The 19th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) took place in Panama City between 14- 25 November 2022.
Since its formation, advising and supporting the decision-making process, as well as the implementation and enforcement of CITES has been at the heart of TRAFFIC’s work. As well as supplying trade information and expert analysis ahead of the CoP, a delegation from TRAFFIC attended Panama to contribute to the developing conversation, advise stakeholders and engage with press.

Analyses of the Proposals to Amend the CITES Appendices at the 19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
Full Analyses and Summary of the Analyses (English) (Español) (Française)(Simplified Chinese)

TRAFFIC CITES CoP19 Briefing Document
IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses Web Page
side events
How can saving plants save lives? What are the latest tools helping Parties to implement traceability? How can we reduce the demand for illegal wildlife products? TRAFFIC discussed these important aspects at a number of CoP19 side events, showcasing some of our effective tools such as 3D Shark fins, SharkTrace and timber tracker App as well as the 9-Step Guidance for making Non-Detriment Findings.

saving plants that save lives
16 November, 17:15 – 19:00
Room: Caribe 5
Trade in wild plants underpins healthcare, industries and livelihoods. Many of these species are at risk from increasing demand and lack of sustainability considerations. Join CITES Parties, IUCN, FAO, UNCTAD BioTrade, TRAFFIC and others to discuss innovative approaches and collaborations (WildCheck platform) to the management and sustainability of trade in CITES-listed medicinal and aromatic plants (Agenda item 82).

23 November, 12:15 – 14:00
Room: Caribe 6
New capacity-building tools to implement the 9-Step Guidance for making Non-Detriment Findings (NDFs) for Perennial Plants and Timber species will be showcased in this side-event. Please join TRAFFIC, BfN and other collaborators to discuss these tools and future plans for improving e-learning.

23 November, 12:15 – 14:00
Room: Caribe 5
The demand for illegal wildlife products is one of the leading causes for the decline of many species. CITES Draft Guidance on Demand Reduction is presented to CoP19 under Agenda item 38. Join Parties, CITES Secretariat and TRAFFIC to share insights and gain experience from others implementing the draft Guidance.

24 November, 17:15 – 19:00
Room: America 1
Ensuring the traceability of species and products in trade is an important element of implementing CITES provisions, to ensure legality, sustainability, and reducing the risks to health from wildlife trade. Join TRAFFIC and collaborators to discuss innovative solutions – including 3D Shark fins, SharkTrace, timber tracker App – to help Parties implement traceability requirements.
See the complete CITES CoP19 Daily Schedule here.