© naturepl.com Jeff Vanuga WWF
TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 27, No.2 (October 2015)
Vol. 27(2) individual articles
- editorial
- ivory and terror - fact or myth?
- pangolin seizures data, Indonesia
- Asian songbirds in crisis
- sustainability in the TCM sector, China
- EU-TWIX 10th anniversary
- wildlife training for Ecuador’s military
- the case for CITES Appendix I-listing of Earless Monitor Lizards
- Assessment of the availability of ivory in the Vietnamese market by Nhuan Van Nguyen and Madelon Willemsen
Seizures and prosecutions
Short communications
- Indian Star Tortoises: shop sales fall as internet trade increases by Serene C.L. Chng and Jamie Bouhuys
- A case study of the Ploughshare Tortoise and the role zoos can play in conservation by Roopali Raghavan, Sonja Luz, Chris R. Shepherd, Richard Lewis, Paul Gibbons and Eric Goode
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