© naturepl.com Jeff Vanuga WWF
Seizures and prosecutions
The cases reported in this document, extracted from the TRAFFIC Bulletin, represent a selection of seizures and prosecutions that have taken place around the world between March 1997 and October 2018.
The sources of this information are cited at the end of each country section. The CITES Appendix-listing for each species is placed in parentheses, where appropriate.

Rick Scobey, Executive Director
TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 32, No. 2 (October 2020)
Vol. 32(2) individual articles
short reports
- Distancing the flock: Bird singing competitions fly online to avoid COVID-19
- No paper no go: A boost in Indonesia's quarantine law to tackle wildlife crime
- Wild animal consumption and conservation awareness in Myanmar
- The internet-based Southeast Asia amphibian pet trade
- Evolving Evaluation: Exploring new measures to assess the impact of end-market interventions to address harmful wildlife trade

TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 32, No. 1 (April 2020)
Vol. 32(1) individual articles
short reports
- Insights from social media into the illegal trade of wild raptors in Thailand
- Reviewing the trade in glass eels Anguilla spp.
- Shifting priorities for Narwhal conservation: from trade to rapid environmental change
- Enforcement insights: trade in sharks and their fins
- Seahorse trade dynamics from Africa to Asia

TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 31, No. 2 (October 2019)
Vol. 31(2) individual articles
short reports
- CITES CoP18: Facing the challenges of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
- The trade in nationally protected lizards from Australia, Cuba and Mexico and the EU’s role as a main destination
- Revealing the online trade of Sun Bears in Indonesia
- CITES and voluntary certification for wild medicinal and aromatic plants

TRAFFIC Bulletin Volume 31, No. 1 (May 2019)
Vol. 31(1) individual articles
- TWIX for the Southern African region: promoting information sharing and co-operation to reduce illegal wildlife trade in SADC region
- Safeguarding Asian songbirds: inaugural meeting of the IUCN Asian Songbird Trade Specialist Group
short reports
- Updates from Sharm El-Sheikh: CBD CoP14 and 2nd CPW Wildlife Forum
- The presence of protected reptiles from Sri Lanka in international commercial trade
- Enhancing management of and benefit flows from Viet Nam’s wild medicinal products
- Investigations into the illegal wildlife trade in central Lao PDR
- Lagos, Nigeria: a snapshot survey of the illegal ivory market
- A rapid assessment of the trade in Saiga Antelope horn in Peninsular Malaysia