TRAFFIC to collaborate on Central African forestry initiative
Bangui, Central Africa Republic, 11th September 2008—The fifth ordinary council of ministers of COMIFAC (the Central African forests commission) took place today, and was attended by around 100 participants from eight member countries (Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic Congo and Chad), plus representatives from civil society and the donor community.

TRAFFIC was represented by Germain Ngandjui, Senior Programme Officer of TRAFFIC Central Africa, who offered his support: “TRAFFIC, through our Central African bushmeat project, would be happy to help elaborate directives on the sustainable management of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) of animal origin and with monitoring the implementation of the convention on forestry control in Central Africa.”
The ministerial meeting agreed 17 resolutions. These included the validation of draft sub-regional directives on the sustainable management of NTFPs of plant origin, a draft convention on forestry control, and a road map on harmonization of forestry policies in Central Africa. A recommendation to establish directives on sustainable management of NTFPs of animal origin was also made.
Cameroon, the Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic signed an agreement on collaboration over the Tri National of Sangha, a protected area which straddles the border between the three nations. The next meeting of COMIFAC ministers will take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2010.