Fraudulence in Indian Live Bird Trade: An Identification Monograph for Control of Illegal Trade
Published: 26 September 1999
download (3.2 MB pdf)On the Scent: Conserving Musk Deer - The Uses of Musk and Europe's Role in its Trade
Published: 13 July 1999
The aim of this study is to summarise information on musk deer and musk itself as a background to describing the international musk trade and the demand of musk and to determine the significance of Europe’s role in global trade.
download (356 KB pdf)The Hong Kong Trade in Live Reef Fish for Food
Published: 1 June 1999
(Executive summary, 124 KB) Patrick P.F. Lau Rob Parry-Jones. (June 1999). 65pp
download (130 KB pdf)Healthy People - Healthy Wildlife: Proceedings of the Second Australian Symposium on Traditional Medicine and Wildlife Conservation
Published: 1 March 1999
(March 1999). 68pp. ISBN 0 64254 644 4 (ISBN 978 0 64254 644 9). Published by: Commonwealth of Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
download (2.8 MB pdf)Proceedings of the Workshop on the Conservation of Medicinal Plants
Published: 1 January 1999
Compiled by: Sue Kang Samuel Lee Edited by: Marcus Phipps Melanie Pong. (1999). 51pp. (English and Korean edition) Workshop, 25 November, 1998, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Published by: TRAFFIC East Asia.
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