Open Season: An analysis of the pet trade in Medan, Sumatra 1997 – 2001
Published: 1 May 2004
Chris R. Shepherd, Jeet Sukumaran, Serge A. Wich. (May 2004). 59pp. ISBN 9 83339 302 0 (ISBN 978 9 83339 302 2).This is the first thorough investigation into the large and diverse trade in live wild animals for pets in Medan, Sumatra, Indonesia. Monthly surveys of the wildlife markets were conducted between 1997 and 2001.
download (1.2 MB pdf)Against the Grain: Trade in Musk Deer Products in Singapore and Malaysia
Published: 16 April 2004
A study to investigate the demand for musk in Singapore and Malaysia, to document the trends in musk consumption, to identify the sources of musk and to understand their role in the international trade of musk.
download (774 KB pdf)No Licence to Kill: The Population and Harvest of Musk Deer and Trade in Musk in the Russian Federation and Mongolia
Published: 7 April 2004
This study attempts to clarify the status of populations of Siberian Musk Deer Moschus moschiferus in the Russian Federation and Mongolia. It also investigates hunting (including poaching) of the deer in those countries and the associated trade in musk.
download (2.0 MB pdf)Expanding Borders: New Challenges for Wildlife Trade Controls in the European Union
Published: 1 April 2004
Stephanie Theile, Attila Steiner, Katalin Kecse-Nagy. (April 2004). 29pp. The enlargement of the EU in May 2004 will shift the Union’s external borders further east, placing the 10 newest Member States on the frontline for controlling imports of regulated wildlife to the EU. This report raises concerns about the Lack of co-ordination and co-operation among the relevant enforcement agencies involved in controlling wildlife trade at EU level.
download (743 KB pdf)Looking Under the Veneer. Implementation Manual on EU Timber Trade Control: Focus on CITES Listed Trees
Published: 1 March 2004
Alexandre Affre, Wolfgang Kathe, Caroline Raymakers. (March 2004). 71pp The European Union (EU) is an important destination and transit market for timber shipments from all over the world. These timber imports and re-exports involve many of the trees listed on the Appendices of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The present manual is addressed to authorities in charge of the implementation and enforcement in EU Member States of CITES timber listings. Document produced under a Service Contract with the European Commission, Brussels.
download (1.8 MB pdf)A Guide to the identification of seahorses
Published: 1 March 2004
Sara A. Lourie, Sarah J. Foster, Ernest W.T. Cooper, Amanda C.J. Vincent. (March 2004). 114pp. ISBN 0 89164 169 6 (ISBN 978 0 89164 169 8). Published by: Project Seahorse and TRAFFIC North America.
download (4.1 MB pdf)A Guide to the identification of seahorses (Chinese edition)
Published: 1 March 2004
Sara A. Lourie, Sarah J. Foster, Ernest W.T. Cooper, Amanda C.J. Vincent. (March 2004). 114pp. ISBN 0 89164 169 6 (ISBN 978 0 89164 169 8). Published by: Project Seahorse and TRAFFIC North America. Chinese Edition.
download (8.4 MB pdf)Shelled Out? A Snapshot of Bekko Trade in Selected Locations in Southeast Asia
Published: 1 March 2004
Peter Paul van Dijk, Chris Shepherd. (March 2004). 29pp. The Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata, is listed in Appendix I of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Therefore, its shell products, known as bekko, are banned from international commercial trade by CITES. TRAFFIC Southeast Asia carried out surveys in two traditionally key countries involved in the bekko trade, Indonesia and Viet Nam, to establish the status of trade and stockpiles of bekko in selected locations.
download (1.0 MB pdf)The Trade in Marine Turtle Products in Viet Nam
Published: 1 March 2004
(March 2004). 48pp. Five of the world’s seven marine turtle species, the Hawkesbill Eretmochelys imbricate, Green Chelonia mydas, Loggerhead Caretta caretta, Olive Ridley Lepidochelys olivacea and Leatherback Dermochelys coriacea Turtles, are found in the waters of Viet Nam. All five face the threat of extinction. This report illustrates the extent of the illegal trade in marine turtles and marine turtle products throughout Viet Nam. Prepared for: Marine Turtle Conservation & Management Team. Produced by: TRAFFIC Southeast Asia-Indochina.
download (644 KB pdf)Nowhere to Hide: The Trade in Sumatran Tiger
Published: 5 January 2004
The Sumatran Tiger is listed as Critically Endangered, (the highest category of threat), on the IUCN 2003 Red List of Threatened Animals. The findings of this report show the structure and extent of the trade in Sumatran tiger bone and other tiger parts, which is essential in guiding future work and in highlighting the importance of increased enforcement.
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