Shark fin with skin, during the drying process, taken in Hong Kong. © WWF-Hong Kong / Tracy Tsang

Compliance Protocol for managing stockpiles of CITES-listed shark fins in Hong Kong SAR

Shark fin with skin, during the drying process, taken in Hong Kong. © WWF-Hong Kong / Tracy Tsang


Published 14 July 2022


WWF and TRAFFIC Release a New Shark Fin Compliance Protocol


香港,2022714世界自然基金會香港分會(WWF)與國際野生物貿易研究組織(TRAFFIC)今日發表規管香港鯊魚及鰩魚產品的管制措施報告(Compliance Protocol for Managing Stockpiles of CITES-listed Shark Fins in Hong Kong),針對被列入《瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)的鯊魚及鰩魚產品提供管理措施,並對列入CITES前的魚翅庫存提出規管建議。今日適逢「鯊魚關注日」,報告為我們再次敲響警鐘,警示全球已有37%的鯊魚及鰩魚面臨絕種的危機,打擊非法貿易刻不容緩。

Compliance Protocol for managing stockpiles of CITES-listed shark fins in Hong Kong SAR

Report author(s):
Wilson Lau, Glenn Sant

Publication date:
July 2022

About WWF Hong Kong

WWF is a leading global conservation organisation, with a network active in more than 100 countries. WWF’s mission is to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF-Hong Kong has been working since 1981 to deliver solutions for a living planet through conservation, footprint and education programmes, with the aim of transforming Hong Kong into Asia’s most sustainable city. For more information, please visit: 

About BLOOM Association

BLOOM is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 that works to preserve the marine environment and species from unnecessary destruction and to increase social benefits in the fishing sector. BLOOM wages awareness and advocacy campaigns in order to accelerate the adoption of concrete solutions for the ocean, humans and the climate. BLOOM carries out scientific research projects, independent studies and evaluations that highlight crucial and unaddressed issues such as the financing mechanisms of the fishing sector. BLOOM’s actions are meant for the general public as well as policy-makers and economic stakeholders.

About Shark Conservation Fund

This project has been funded by the Shark Conservation Fund