- 全称为中华人民共和国香港特别行政区。
- 根据2018年修订的香港法例《保护濒危动植物物种条例》(第586章),门店许可证必须与渔农自然护理署(渔护署)的海报一起展示。尽管许可证和海报的展示有所增加,但待售象牙制品的数量仍然很高。
- 该禁令的前两个阶段分别为禁止进口和再出口所有大象身体部分及其制品,并要求自2018年起对销售象牙的商业场所进行许可证核实。这两个阶段为销售商们提供了4年的宽限期,允许他们获得合法销售象牙的许可证。调查的结果也证明,观察到的象牙销售门店数量减少到总调查样本的48%,在2015年至2019年期间下降了8%。

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is responsible for the majority of overseas development assistance from the United States Government and works to end extreme poverty and promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing security and prosperity for America and the world.
About the Rufford Foundation

The Rufford Foundation is a UK registered charity which funds nature conservation projects across the developing world. To date the Foundation has awarded grants to over 4000 projects in 156 countries.