: 2611 pages found
News Articles
- (Sep 2019): Philippines nabs wanted online wildlife trader
- (Aug 2019): Wildlife trade conference ends with progress on key issues but others still unresolved
- (Aug 2019): Yahoo! Japan bans ivory
- (Aug 2019): Implementation of CITES trade measures for medicinal and aromatic plants
- (Aug 2019): Asian Otters: CITES parties approve highest trade protection levels
- (Aug 2019): Turning a blind eye to the importance of plants
- (Aug 2019): Future of sustainable wildlife management: CITES considers links to post-2020 biodiversity framework
- (Aug 2019): Songbirds: Unsung heroes getting recognition at CITES
- (Aug 2019): Cameroon government and partners decide on collaborative steps for pangolin conservation
- (Aug 2019): CITES at sea
- (Aug 2019): New studies highlight critical issues for CITES implementation
- (Aug 2019): New guidance on managing stockpiles
- (Aug 2019): New statistics highlight trapping threat for international trade of Asia’s most popular songbird
- (Aug 2019): AFRICA-TWIX membership and uptake grows – positive steps for enforcement in COMIFAC Countries
- (Aug 2019): Key CITES meeting ahead of big year for biodiversity
- (Aug 2019): TRAFFIC publishes its recommendations and advice ahead of CITES CoP18
- (Jul 2019): Celebrating the contribution of SUPER SNIFFERS on GLOBAL TIGER DAY: #CaninesforFelines
- (Jul 2019): Singapore makes record-breaking African ivory and pangolin seizure
- (Jul 2019): Latest IUCN Red List assessments include many species impacted by trade
- (Jul 2019): Orienting the judiciary towards enhanced wildlife crime conviction rates in India
- (Jul 2019): Uganda Legal Authorities Collaborate to Strengthen Efforts Against Illegal Wildlife Trade
- (Jul 2019): Dar es Salaam Seaport Stakeholders Tackle Illegal Wildlife Trade
- (Jun 2019): FairWild: the potential to build bridges and break the barriers hindering sustainability in the Himalayas
- (Jun 2019): Winners of TRAFFIC’s sustainable traditional medicine competition announced
- (Jun 2019): EU initiative to counter surging wildlife cybercrime
- (Jun 2019): Canines for felines
- (Jun 2019): TRAFFIC's Behavioural Change team celebrated with award on World Environment Day
- (May 2019): Three rhino horn smugglers receive stiff sentences under Viet Nam’s amended penal code
- (May 2019): Leaders discuss action against illegal wildlife trade at Vietnam tourism hub
- (May 2019): Malaysia slaps highest ever fines for wildlife crime onto two Vietnamese
- (May 2019): Wild plant experts and stakeholders meet at FairWild Forum 2019 in Budapest
- (May 2019): Logistics companies commit to refusing transportation of illegal wildlife products
- (May 2019): Benefits from wild medicinal plants, wildlife trade in Lao PDR, Saiga horn in Malaysia, Sri Lankan reptiles, ivory in Nigeria—all in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Apr 2019): Malaysia’s second ivory incineration marks 13 tonnes destroyed since 2016
- (Apr 2019): Indian Customs Department installs illegal wildlife trade displays at Delhi International Airport
- (Apr 2019): “Protect our Species” on #EarthDay2019
- (Apr 2019): China Customs announces seizure of almost 8 tonnes ivory
- (Apr 2019): New secure information-sharing platform for Southern Africa
- (Apr 2019): Critically Endangered Echidna among wildlife menagerie seized in Philippines
- (Apr 2019): TRAFFIC supports Asia-Africa Customs Workshop on improved collaboration
- (Apr 2019): High flying: securing livelihoods and biodiversity in India’s Himalayas
- (Apr 2019): Karnataka Forest Department prepare to curb illegal wildlife trade online
- (Mar 2019): ASEAN commits to strengthening efforts to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Mar 2019): Experts meet to turn the tide on Asian songbird extinction crisis
- (Mar 2019): Malaysia brings together national stakeholders to address wildlife crime
- (Mar 2019): IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses of CITES CoP18 Proposals available
- (Mar 2019): Malaysia jails two Vietnamese nationals for illegal possession of tigers, leopards, and bears
- (Mar 2019): TRAFFIC project to equip stakeholders with new tools to ensure sustainable timber trade
- (Mar 2019): DHL eCommerce, TRAFFIC, and WWF Collaborate to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade in Hong Kong
- (Mar 2019): TRAFFIC kicks off new consumer initiative against ivory consumption in Viet Nam
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