: 2611 pages found
News Articles
- (May 2017): Wildlife crime, CITES CoP17, Malagasy Rosewood and more – in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Apr 2017): African workshops promote wildlife conservation to local Chinese nationals
- (Apr 2017): Sir David Attenborough to lead celebration of global conservation success
- (Apr 2017): Zambia announces indefinite ban on “In Transit” timber
- (Apr 2017): Workshop for southwest Indian Ocean sets stage for monitoring and conservation of sharks and rays
- (Apr 2017): Shanghai workshop promotes use of social marketing to change illegal wildlife consumption
- (Apr 2017): Eastern African nations launch Steering Committee for Zanzibar Declaration on Illegal Trade in Timber and other Forest Products
- (Apr 2017): 18 rhino horns seized by Malaysian Customs
- (Apr 2017): EU urged to consider designating environmental crime a high priority
- (Apr 2017): Adding teeth to law enforcement: 13 dog squads commence wildlife detection training
- (Mar 2017): New study finds rhino horn openly for sale in notorious Myanmar wildlife markets
- (Mar 2017): Enforcement agencies gear up to fight wildlife crime in Central India
- (Mar 2017): Two convicted after forensic evidence proves “new” ivory illegally on sale in Hong Kong
- (Mar 2017): Earth Hour: Wildlife art helps spread sustainable consumption message to Beijing shoppers
- (Mar 2017): Access and Benefit-sharing policies to be implemented in Viet Nam
- (Mar 2017): Thorough investigations needed following major rhino horn seizures in SE Asia
- (Mar 2017): Hong Kong poised for critical ivory market debate
- (Mar 2017): Scene-of-crime evidence gathering: TRAFFIC helps deliver training in Tanzania and Kenya
- (Mar 2017): Responsible travel promoted through “Wild Africa” salon
- (Mar 2017): AFRICA-TWIX: enhancing collaboration in the fight against illegal wildlife trade in Central Africa
- (Mar 2017): Good Agricultural and Collection Practices integrated with guidelines on collection of wild medicinal plants
- (Mar 2017): FairWild sustainability solutions on show at BioFach 2017
- (Mar 2017): New study highlights Bandung market’s contribution to Asian songbird crisis
- (Mar 2017): Youth and internet giants speak out against wildlife cybercrime
- (Mar 2017): World Wildlife Day Empowering Viet Nam’s Youth to Protect Wildlife
- (Mar 2017): Malaysia clamps down on wildlife smuggling: five operations in a fortnight
- (Mar 2017): How investments in nature conservation could benefit local communities in Europe’s Danube region
- (Mar 2017): Global Entrepreneurship Network members encouraged to become wildlife champions in Viet Nam
- (Feb 2017): South Africa annual rhino poaching toll falls for second year running but the crisis continues
- (Feb 2017): Detector dog champion wins prestigious award
- (Feb 2017): Experts plan to save Asia’s songbirds
- (Feb 2017): Malaysia busts wanted elephant poaching gang
- (Feb 2017): EU-Africa collaboration essential for effective implementation of anti-trafficking plan
- (Feb 2017): New training guidelines could save the lives of rangers
- (Feb 2017): Join FairWild and TRAFFIC at the world’s largest organic trade fair to celebrate responsible sourcing of wild plants
- (Feb 2017): Wildlife Connection: Raising awareness of wildlife crime in Southeast Asia
- (Feb 2017): Europol and TRAFFIC join forces to fight environmental crime
- (Jan 2017): New study finds gall bladder the main draw for Myanmar bear poachers
- (Jan 2017): The World Zoo and Aquarium community makes generous contribution to help end wildlife trafficking
- (Jan 2017): New project to promote sustainable, legal and responsible timber trade in Viet Nam
- (Jan 2017): Combatting Snow Leopard poaching & trafficking the elusive X factor to conserve Asia’s high mountain ecosystems
- (Jan 2017): Wild plant harvesters gain insights from a successful co-operative model in Viet Nam
- (Jan 2017): Cooking up a storm to encourage legal and sustainable foods for the Lunar New Year holidays, instead of threatened wildlife
- (Dec 2016): China to ban domestic ivory trade by end of 2017 in huge boost for Africa’s elephants
- (Dec 2016): Postal bureau joins enforcement agencies for CITES training
- (Dec 2016): Environment Canada’s Pacific Region staff make end-of-year donation in memory of lost colleagues
- (Dec 2016): TRAFFIC brings hospitality enterprises together to stop illegal wildlife trade
- (Dec 2016): Nanning Customs officers receive CITES training
- (Dec 2016): IUCN Red List update highlights trade threat to Southeast Asian birds
- (Dec 2016): Wildlife crime makes debut at International Anti-Corruption Conference
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