: 2611 pages found
News Articles
- (Apr 2012): Repatriated Philippine Forest Turtles turned over to Katala Foundation
- (Apr 2012): Large pangolin seizure highlights timeliness of re-forming IUCN-SSC Pangolin Specialist Group
- (Apr 2012): Meeting sparks international interest in wildlife detector dog programmes
- (Apr 2012): Training to boost wildlife crime investigation in Belum-Temengor, Malaysia
- (Apr 2012): A sweet step towards protection of Sugar Gliders in Malaysia
- (Apr 2012): Transport companies in China urged to be on the lookout for illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2012): Fish in bags among wildlife menagerie seized at Bangkok airport
- (Apr 2012): TRAFFIC launches sustainable wild harvested medicinal plant project in Viet Nam
- (Apr 2012): Gabon to incinerate audited ivory stockpiles
- (Apr 2012): Loris trade not so slow
- (Mar 2012): Trans-boundary conservation measures for Argali needed
- (Mar 2012): Cameroon elephant poaching crisis spreads
- (Mar 2012): Pangolin seizure highlights Malaysia—Thailand smuggling route
- (Mar 2012): “Where’s My Mama? 2.0” campaign launches in Malaysia
- (Mar 2012): Indian Star Tortoises sent home
- (Mar 2012): “Frankenstein” taxidermist sentenced to 20 months
- (Mar 2012): “Wild thing” event highlights industry interest in sustainable sourcing
- (Mar 2012): Almost 1,500 turtles “crammed like sardines” into suitcases
- (Feb 2012): National workshop for Mexico’s enforcement officials
- (Feb 2012): Karnataka gears up to fight wildlife crime
- (Feb 2012): Zoom, zoom: TRAFFIC marks 20 years of support from Mazda
- (Feb 2012): TRAFFIC helps to claw back illegal parrot trade in India
- (Feb 2012): A sad goodbye to Sue Mainka
- (Feb 2012): Tiger skins, elephant ivory and bones seized in Malaysia
- (Feb 2012): Japanese delegation visits India to learn about responsible & sustainable trade in medicinal plants
- (Feb 2012): Sniffer dog Tracey helps recover 32 kg of ivory
- (Feb 2012): Tiger carcasses found in Bangkok taxidermist’s premises
- (Jan 2012): Illegal ivory trade blooms during Egypt’s Arab Spring
- (Jan 2012): Chinese consumers urged to be wary what they eat during New Year festivities
- (Jan 2012): Rhino poaching deaths continue to increase in South Africa
- (Jan 2012): Malaysia seizes half a tonne of ivory
- (Dec 2011): 2011: "Annus horribilis" for African Elephants, says TRAFFIC
- (Dec 2011): China kicks off new era of inter-agency co-operation on wildlife law enforcement
- (Dec 2011): Vietnamese again caught with rhino horns in South Africa
- (Dec 2011): Poland hosts collaboration meeting on implementation of wildlife trade regulations
- (Dec 2011): Exporting in a shifting legal landscape – the US Lacey Act
- (Dec 2011): Chinese Customs examine use of wildlife detector dogs
- (Dec 2011): A wild month for enforcement in Jakarta’s biggest airport
- (Nov 2011): An ETIS manual for Cameroon
- (Nov 2011): Creative experts devise multi-layered strategies to curtail demand for Tigers and other endangered wildlife species
- (Nov 2011): Recommendations from conservation experts’ meeting available
- (Nov 2011): Experts demand answers
- (Nov 2011): Liquorice named “Medicinal plant of the year 2012”
- (Nov 2011): Hong Kong rhino horn seizure a unique enforcement opportunity—TRAFFIC
- (Nov 2011): Tokay Gecko trade boom in South-East Asia
- (Nov 2011): Central African countries agree plan to strengthen wildlife law enforcement
- (Nov 2011): Red list changes highlight threats from over-exploitation
- (Nov 2011): Hungarian police seize thousands of dead songbirds
- (Nov 2011): Over-exploitation of ”bushmeat” and applied taxonomy key issues at conservation meeting
- (Nov 2011): Vietnamese authorities confirm more than a tonne of ivory pieces seized on Chinese border
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