: 2611 pages found
Archived (Legacy) Publications
- (Jan 1997): Food for Thought: The Utilization of Wild Meat in Eastern and Southern Africa (PDF)
- (Jan 1997): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Trade of Bear Parts (PDF)
- (Jan 1997): The feasibility of using canines to detect wildlife contraband (PDF)
- (Dec 1996): The Oceania Region's Harvest, Trade and Management of Sharks and other Cartilaginous Fish: An Overview (PDF)
- (Dec 1996): An Overview of World Trade in Sharks and Other Cartilaginous Fishes (PDF)
- (Nov 1996): South Africa's Aloe Ferox Plant, Parts and Derivatives Industry (PDF)
- (Oct 1996): Shark Fisheries and the Trade in Sharks and Shark Products of Southeast Asia (PDF)
- (Oct 1996): Sturgeons of the Caspian Sea and the International Trade in Caviar (PDF)
- (Aug 1996): Under Siege: Poaching and protection of Greater One-Horned Rhinoceroses in India (PDF)
- (Jun 1996): The international trade in seahorses: Summary (PDF)
- (Jun 1996): The international trade in seahorses (PDF)
- (Jun 1996): Parrot smuggling across the Texas-Mexico border (PDF)
- (Jan 1996): The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC's Regional Studies
- (Jan 1996): Untersuchung der Gefährdung von Pflanzenarten durch den internationalen Heilpflanzenhandel mit Indien
- (Jan 1996): South Africa's Wildlife Trade at the Crossroads (PDF)
- (Jan 1996): Survey of Wildlife Management Regimes for Sustainable Utilisation (PDF)
- (Jul 1995): The Bear Facts: The East Asian Market for Bear Gall Bladder (PDF)
- (Jun 1995): Marine Invertebrates of the South Pacific: An Examination of the Trade (PDF)
- (Jun 1995): Impact assessment of nest collection on the Edible-nest Swiftlet in the Nicobar Islands (PDF)
- (May 1995): Of Tiger Treatments & Rhino Remedies: Trade in Endangered Species Medicines In Australia and New Zealand (PDF)
- (May 1995): From Steppe to Store: The Trade in Saiga Antelope Horn
- (Apr 1995): South Africa's Trade in African Grey Parrots (PDF)
- (Apr 1995): Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Trade of Bear Parts for Medicinal Use (PDF)
- (Jan 1995): Investigations into Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Trade in Vietnam
- (Jan 1995): Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles: The Trade in Southeast Asia (PDF)
- (Jan 1995): Proceedings of the Seminar on International Trade in Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora 1995 (English and Korean edition)
- (Jan 1995): Is it really from a Bear? A Simple Method for Identifying Bear Gall Bladder
- (Jan 1995): Status, Management and Commercialization of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) (PDF)
- (Jan 1995): Ornamental fish trade in the Netherlands (PDF)
- (Jan 1995): Four Years After the CITES Ban: Illegal Killing of Elephants, Ivory Trade and Stockpile
- (Jan 1995): Annotated List of Ornamental Fish Species to be Found in Trade in the Netherlands 1992-1994
- (Jan 1995): The implementation and enforcement of CITES in the European Union (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): CITES and Trees. The Facts and the Fiction (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): Hard times for hardwood: Indigenous timber and the timber trade in Kenya (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): Trade in Agarwood (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): Wildlife Trade: A handbook for enforcement staff (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): International Trade in Reptile Skins: A Review and Analysis of the Main Consumer Markets, 1983-1991 (PDF)
- (Aug 1994): Killed for a Cure: A Review of the Worldwide Trade in Tiger Bone (PDF)
- (Jul 1994): The Impact of the Ivory Ban on Poaching and Ivory Trade in Cameroon
- (May 1994): Prescription for Extinction: Endangered Species and Patented Oriental Medicines in Trade (PDF)
- (Apr 1994): International trade in swiftlet nests with special reference to Hong Kong (PDF)
- (Apr 1994): Sold for a Song. The Trade in Southeast Asian Non-CITES Birds (PDF)
- (Feb 1994): Market Under Cover: The Rhinoceros Horn Trade in South Korea
- (Jan 1994): Investigation of Trade in Hawksbill Turtles in Viet Nam (PDF)
- (Jan 1994): Making CITES Work
- (Jan 1994): CITES and the Regulation of Wildlife Trade for European Circuses
- (Dec 1993): Status and management of Psittacines in northeastern Honduras
- (Oct 1993): Turtle Trade in India: A study of freshwater turtles (PDF)
- (Oct 1993): Bluefin Tuna. An Examination of the International Trade with an Emphasis on the Japanese Market (PDF)
- (Jun 1993): The Decline of the Black Rhino in Zimbabwe: Implications for Future Rhino Conservation (PDF)
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