: 2611 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (Jan 2021): 野生物交易的过往 Trading Years for Wildlife
- (Dec 2020): 电子商务企业在打击日本的非法象牙市场方面取得了堪称典范的进展
- (Nov 2020): 来自服刑犯的思考:南非野生物非法供应链评估
- (Oct 2020): 解决在野生物的开采与贸易的管理行政过程中存在的腐败问题
- (Sep 2020): TRAFFIC和WWF新发布的报告披露:欧盟在全球虎贸易中扮演着不可忽视的角色
- (Sep 2020): 故事内幕:TRAFFIC采访在南非被定罪的盗猎者
- (Sep 2020): 东南亚和中国非法野生物贸易的趋势变化
- (Aug 2020): 刚果渔民的捕捞对象转向鲨鱼
- (Aug 2020): 菲律宾穿山甲近年的查获量增长了九倍,对其生存构成了巨大威胁
- (Jul 2020): 研究增加人们对印度尼西亚、泰国和越南非法象牙贸易的了解
- (Jul 2020): Tackling Wildlife Cybercrime in the EU: How technology can help
- (Jul 2020): 新研究揭示了比利时和荷兰的网络野生动物交易,并强调了潜在的科技解决方案
- (Jun 2020): 关键却无形的贸易:对用于治疗新冠肺炎的药用野生植物的可持续贸易敲响了警钟
- (Jun 2020): 日本立法薄弱,助长了外来宠物走私及其相关的健康风险(译)
- (Jun 2020): 新研究鼓励刚果民主共和国开发健全的象牙库存管理系统(译)
- (Jun 2020): COVID-19疫情封锁期间,印度境内报道的野生动物偷猎事件增加了一倍以上(译)
- (Apr 2020): 去年,在机场查获的非法野生物制品和动物活体超过100万件,平均每天就有1件被记录在案
- (Apr 2020): 野生动物贸易、新型冠状病毒COVID-19和人畜共患疾病风险:我们的观点
- (Apr 2020): A Critical Assessment of the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Namibian Indigenous Forest/Timber Industry with Reference to Zambia and Angola
- (Mar 2020): CITES附录物种在欧盟成员国内查获数据的概观
- (Mar 2020): Workshop proceedings - countering wildlife trafficking through Kenya's ports
- (Mar 2020): 打击通过肯尼亚港口的野生物走私活动 - 快速分析报告
- (Mar 2020): 新研究揭开了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》(CITES)文件实施过程中的腐败问题(译)
- (Mar 2020): #世界野生动植物日# TRAFFIC发布新研究-印度及跨境小熊猫非法贸易威胁评估(译)
- (Feb 2020): Southeast Asia: At the heart of wildlife trade
- (Dec 2019): Poachers paying heftier price for killing serow
- (Dec 2019): Countering wildlife trafficking through Tanzania's ports - Workshop Proceedings
- (Nov 2019): New study finds illegal trade in marine turtles persisting in Indonesia, Malaysia and Viet Nam
- (Oct 2019): An update on the bear bile trade in Peninsular Malaysia
- (Oct 2019): Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles Under Siege
- (Sep 2019): The State of Wildlife Trade in Macau
- (Sep 2019): Countering wildlife trafficking through Tanzania's ports
- (Sep 2019): An overview of major shark and ray catchers, traders, and species
- (Sep 2019): Reducing demand for Illegal Wildlife Products: Conference Proceedings
- (Aug 2019): Trading Faces: Online trade of helmeted and other hornbill species on Facebook in Thailand
- (Aug 2019): Skin and bones: Unresolved
- (Aug 2019): Combating Wildlife Crime linked to the internet
- (Aug 2019): Southeast Asian Parrot species
- (Aug 2019): Proving Legality: The Trade in Endemic Caribbean Reptiles
- (Aug 2019): SADC-TWIX Regional Workshop
- (Jun 2019): Designing Effective Messages
- (Jun 2019): Choosing the Right Messenger
- (Apr 2019): A compilation of seizures and prosecutions reported in the TRAFFIC Bulletin from 1997 onwards
- (Mar 2019): Wildlife Cybercrime trends in China
- (Feb 2019): Corruption and wildlife crime: A focus on caviar trade
- (Jan 2019): Bird’s-eye view: Lessons from 50 years of bird trade regulation & conservation in Amazon countries
- (Dec 2018): From tusk to trinket: Persistent illegal ivory markets in Viet Nam
- (Nov 2018): Consumer Demand for Rhino, Elephant, and Pangolin Products in Vietnam
- (Nov 2018): New study highlights Belgium’s role as wildlife trade hub
- (Oct 2018): Review of Marine Wildlife Protection Legislation in ASEAN
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