TRAFFIC launch East Africa Wildlife Court Case Tracking Tool for Prosecutors
TRAFFIC’s East Africa Office, through the USAID-funded project Conserving Natural Capital and Enhancing Collaborative Management of Transboundary Resources in East Africa (CONNECT) and the Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutors (EAAP) successfully launched the East Africa Wildlife Court Case Tracking Tool (CCTT).

The CCTT allows prosecutors and other legislative officials to visually monitor criminal activity from wildlife crime court cases. It contains records and information on the cases collected to enhance the capacity and knowledge of regional prosecutors on case monitoring, analysis, and reference for prosecuting crimes. It is dynamic and interactive, reflecting analytics for wildlife crime court cases and their attributes. The CCTT will be linked to the EAAP website to enable prosecutors to navigate through and access the necessary information.
It was launched by the Deputy Prosecutor General of Rwanda, Hon. Angelique Habyarimana. Rwanda is a current Vice President of the EAAP together with Hon. Firmin Mvonde Mambu, Prosecutor General of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Twenty-two representatives from national prosecution authorities from Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Mozambique, and Tanzania participated in the event. Specific offices in attendance were the national public prosecution authority of Rwanda, the Office of Public Prosecution of Kenya, the Office of Public Prosecution of Uganda, the National Prosecution Authority (NPS), and the Attorney General Office (Procuradoria General da Republica) of Mozambique.
The launch was followed by training prosecutors on how to use and navigate the CCTT. The training also informed the prosecutors on different techniques for data collection and provided an overview of current wildlife crime trends in the region to bolster national and international co-operation in identifying and prosecuting wildlife crime cases.
‘’I wish to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the partners that have made this event possible especially the Eastern Africa Association of Prosecutor's Secretariat, the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO), The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and TRAFFIC International East Africa office for their incredible efforts and support in the organisation of this important meeting’’ said Deputy Prosecutor General of Rwanda, Hon. Angelique Habyarimana.
Organised criminal groups continue to establish networks across Africa and the globe that are no longer confined to a country’s borders. This, coupled with advances in technology has enhanced the complex nature of emerging and transnational organised crimes, especially environmental, wildlife, forest, and corruption-related crimes. Criminal groups undermine the state authority and threaten the national security and sustainable conservation of natural capital for the benefit of the current and future generations'"
Alain Ndoli, Chief of Party, CONNECT project.


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