Little swimmers make big splash for wildlife
Bangkok, Thailand, 10th July 2009 – They swam, they paddled and those who could not, just blew bubbles in the Garden International School’s swim-a-thon, which raised USD1500 for wildlife.
The school, which traditionally holds a charity event each year, donates the proceeds to a cause. This year the school chose to support TRAFFIC’s work in Southeast Asia.

About 160 pupils at the school splashed or swam according to their ability, in the sponsored swim event organised by teacher Basia Filzek.
The charity event generally raises about USD500 but exceeded expectations this time, leaving students with a few sore muscles, but also a sense that they made an important contribution.
“We are going to help because the people are going to make the animals die if we don’t help,” declared Hanna, who attends nursery at the Garden International School.
Students said they were proud and happy to be part of the fun event; even two-year-old bubble-blowing participant Adrien who cheered others with cries of: “Bubbles come!”