Additional publications pre-2007 reports, species factsheets, legacy newsletters, and additional materials

Additional publications

Our archive section includes a number of pre-2007 publications and reports, as well as legacy factsheets, newsletters and informational materials. You can find details and download information for these below:

From Steppe to Store: The Trade in Saiga Antelope Horn

Published: 1 May 1995

Simba Chan, Anatoly V. Maksimuk, Lir V. Zhirnov. Compiled by: Stephen Nash. (May 1995). 47pp. ISBN 1 85850 068 0 (ISBN 978 1 85850 068 3). This report examines the history and present use of Saiga Antelope horn in Chinese medicine, status and commercial harvesting of the antelope in its range states and the trade in Saiga horn in East and Southeast Asia. No PDF available: contact for more details