Additional publications pre-2007 reports, species factsheets, legacy newsletters, and additional materials

Additional publications

Our archive section includes a number of pre-2007 publications and reports, as well as legacy factsheets, newsletters and informational materials. You can find details and download information for these below:

Market Under Cover: The Rhinoceros Horn Trade in South Korea

Published: 1 February 1994

 Judy A. Mills. (February 1994). 43pp. ISBN 1 85850 024 9 (ISBN 978 1 85850 024 9). This report is based on an investigation of the rhino horn trade in South Korea in May and June 1993, shortly after the Government's proclamation of an end to domestic rhino horn trade. The report provides evidence to suggest that such trade persisted at the time of the survey. Species in Danger series. No PDF available: contact for more details