Additional publications pre-2007 reports, species factsheets, legacy newsletters, and additional materials

Additional publications

Our archive section includes a number of pre-2007 publications and reports, as well as legacy factsheets, newsletters and informational materials. You can find details and download information for these below:

The Control of Wildlife Trade in Greece

Published: 1 July 1992

Document 1: Elizabeth Fleming. (1993). 51pp. (Greek edition).

Document 2: De Meulenaer, Julie Gray. (July 1992). 37pp. ISBN 0 94761 384 6 (ISBN 978 0 94761 384 6). This report documents the findings of a survey of wildlife trade prior to the country's ratification of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), but when the country was already bound by its membership in the European Community to enforce the EC CITES regulation. Species in Danger series.

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