Additional publications
Our archive section includes a number of pre-2007 publications and reports, as well as legacy factsheets, newsletters and informational materials. You can find details and download information for these below:
Sturgeons of the Caspian Sea and the International Trade in Caviar
Published: 1 October 1996
Compiled by: T. De Meulenaer, C. Raymakers. (October 1996). 71pp. ISBN 1 85850 113 X (ISBN 978 1 85850 113 0). This report presents the findings from investigations of sturgeon fisheries, and information from caviar importers in consuming countries, sturgeon specialists and fisheries agencies. The exploitation of Caspian sturgeons is assessed, as is Caspian caviar production, its regulation or lack thereof, and its impact upon the number of Sturgeons remaining. International trade is also analysed. Species in Danger series.
download (1.4 MB pdf)Under Siege: Poaching and protection of Greater One-Horned Rhinoceroses in India
Published: 20 August 1996
Documents the results of a study by TRAFFIC India, with the support of WWF India. The study began in 1992, and field updates continued to be received until April 1996. The report presents information on rhinoceros population, poaching and trade in and use of rhinoceros horn.
download (6.3 MB pdf)The international trade in seahorses
Published: 1 June 1996
Amanda C.J. Vincent. (June 1996). 160pp. ISBN 1 85850 098 2 (ISBN 978 1 85850 098 0). The global trade in seahorses involves more than 20 million seahorses and 32 countries and territories each year. This report provides an overview of the trade, with an emphasis on China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. It presents information on fishing methods, trade routes, volumes and values of the seahorses in trade, the key players and the issues of concern.
download (10.6 MB pdf)The international trade in seahorses: Summary
Published: 1 June 1996
Summary: Amanda C.J. Vincent. (June 1996). 12pp. ISBN 1 85850 098 2 (ISBN 978 1 85850 098 0). The global trade in seahorses involves more than 20 million seahorses and 32 countries and territories each year. This report provides an overview of the trade, with an emphasis on China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. It presents information on fishing methods, trade routes, volumes and values of the seahorses in trade, the key players and the issues of concern.
download (1.9 MB pdf)Parrot smuggling across the Texas-Mexico border
Published: 1 June 1996
José Goggi, Debra Rose, Gina De Ferrari, Leonora Sheeline. (June 1996). 31pp.
download (1.5 MB pdf)The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC's Regional Studies
Published: 1 January 1996
Volume I, (1996) 1-456pp. Volume II, (1996) 457-945pp. No PDFs available: please contact for details
Untersuchung der Gefährdung von Pflanzenarten durch den internationalen Heilpflanzenhandel mit Indien
Published: 1 January 1996
Untersuchung der Gefährdung von Pflanzenarten durch den internationalen Heilpflanzenhandel mit Indien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Handels zwischen Indien und Deutschland (Investigation on the threats towards plants species caused by the international medicinal plant trade with India, with a special reference towards the trade Between Germany and India.) Dagmar Lange. (1996). 103 pp + appendices. (German edition)
Survey of Wildlife Management Regimes for Sustainable Utilisation
Published: 1 January 1996
(1996) Timothy M. Swanson, C. Fernandez Ugalde and R. A. Luxmoore
download (15.7 MB pdf)South Africa's Wildlife Trade at the Crossroads
Published: 1 January 1996
Ashish Bodasing, Teresa A Mulliken. (January 1996). 48pp. ISBN 0 95840 252 3 (ISBN 978 0 95840 252 1).
download (3.6 MB pdf)The Bear Facts: The East Asian Market for Bear Gall Bladder
Published: 2 July 1995
Discussions in the full report address bear farming in China, Hong Kong's gall bladder registration scheme, biological implications of the legal trade in bear gall bladders in Japan and Taiwan's efforts to monitor its domestic market for bear gall bladder. Finally, recommendations are given for actions necessary to better understand, monitor and control the trade in bear gall bladders and bile to ensure that it does not decimate wild bear populations, if not entire species.
download (110 KB pdf)