Additional publications
Our archive section includes a number of pre-2007 publications and reports, as well as legacy factsheets, newsletters and informational materials. You can find details and download information for these below:
Killed for a Cure: A Review of the Worldwide Trade in Tiger Bone
Published: 1 August 1994
Judy A. Mills, Peter Jackson. (August 1994). 52pp. ISBN 185850 049 4 (ISBN 978 185850 049 2). A focus on the use of Tiger bone as a medicinal, this review compiles what is known of the status of Tiger populations, the uses and value of Tiger bone, the extent to which it is traded globally, and offers recommendations for Tiger conservation.
download (2.6 MB pdf)The Impact of the Ivory Ban on Poaching and Ivory Trade in Cameroon
Published: 1 July 1994
Tom De Meulenaer. July 1994. 33pp. No PDF available: contact for more details
Prescription for Extinction: Endangered Species and Patented Oriental Medicines in Trade
Published: 1 May 1994
Andrea L. Gaski, Kurt A. Johnson. (May 1994). 300pp. The product of extensive research initiated in the late 1980s, this report is an important reference work on patented Oriental medicines and an analysis of their use of endangered and threatened wildlife. Species in Danger report.
download (8.6 MB pdf)International trade in swiftlet nests with special reference to Hong Kong
Published: 21 April 1994
A marked decline in some swiftlet populations has been attributed to the harvesting of their nests which are prized in Chinese cuisine and traditional medicines. Documentation is provided on the history and volume of the trade.
download (1.4 MB pdf)Sold for a Song. The Trade in Southeast Asian Non-CITES Birds
Published: 7 April 1994
This report presents the findings of a two_year study, showing that trade is widespread in rare; little_known species; and those fully protected under national legislation.
download (3.4 MB pdf)Market Under Cover: The Rhinoceros Horn Trade in South Korea
Published: 1 February 1994
Judy A. Mills. (February 1994). 43pp. ISBN 1 85850 024 9 (ISBN 978 1 85850 024 9). This report is based on an investigation of the rhino horn trade in South Korea in May and June 1993, shortly after the Government's proclamation of an end to domestic rhino horn trade. The report provides evidence to suggest that such trade persisted at the time of the survey. Species in Danger series. No PDF available: contact for more details
Investigation of Trade in Hawksbill Turtles in Viet Nam
Published: 1 January 1994
(1994) TRAFFIC Southeast Asia
download (1.7 MB pdf)Making CITES Work
Published: 1 January 1994
by Stephen B. Nash. (1994). 25pp. Prepared for WWF UK. No PDF available: contact for more details
CITES and the Regulation of Wildlife Trade for European Circuses
Published: 1 January 1994
Elizabeth H. Fleming. (1994). 40pp. ISBN 9 07524 301 4 (ISBN 978 9 07524 301 7). NB: This investigation (1992) was performed prior to the adoption of Council Regulation (EC) No. 338/97, and is therefore no longer relevant
Status and management of Psittacines in northeastern Honduras
Published: 1 December 1993
Revised edition, December 1993. No PDF available: contact for more details