Ivory beads, Ganesha pendants said to be made from ivory powder, and ivory statues, all advertised on social media © TRAFFIC

illicit ivory tradein Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam

Ivory beads, Ganesha pendants said to be made from ivory powder, and ivory statues, all advertised on social media © TRAFFIC


Published 7 July 2020


Study widens insight into illicit ivory trade in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, 7th July 2020—Ivory trade is rife on social media in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam says a TRAFFIC study which found thousands of ivory items in trade during a month in 2016, and in a 2019 update. 

Trading Faces: A snapshot of the online ivory trade in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam with an update in 2019

Report author(s):
Karlina Indraswari, Boyd T.C. Leupen, Minh D. T. Nguyen, and Maethinee Phassaraudomsak

Publication date:
July 2020