African White Rhino

Insights from the Incarcerated An assessment of the illicit supply chain in wildlife in South Africa

African White Rhino


Published 29 November 2020

Convicted wildlife offenders tell their side of the story

Johannesburg, South Africa, 30th November 2020—TRAFFIC has obtained valuable new insights into the organisation, activities and modus operandi of criminal operations thanks to the voluntary co-operation of 73 offenders imprisoned in South Africa for wildlife crime offences

Insights from the Incarcerated: An assessment of the illicit supply chain in wildlife in South Africa

Report author(s):
Sadé Moneron, Ben Brock, David Newton

Publication date:
November 2020


Arcadia is a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. It supports charities and scholarly institutions that preserve cultural heritage and the environment. Arcadia also supports projects that promote open access and all of its awards are granted on the condition that any materials produced are made available for free online. Since 2002, Arcadia has awarded more than $777 million to projects around the world. 

About ReTTA

ReTTA is a TRAFFIC project aiming to Reduce Trade Threats to Africa’s Wild Species and Ecosystems. The project is funded by Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.