Indian Star Tortoise Geochelone elegans, popular as pets in Japan © Charlene N Simmons / CC Generic 2.0
Published 10 October 2010
TRAFFIC publishes analysis of Japan's trade in wild species in advance of CBD CoP10
Tokyo, Japan, 12 October 2010 - TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, has released a report analysing the status of Japan’s trade in wild animal and plant species entitled The State of Wildlife Trade in Japan, to coincide with the holding of the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD CoP10) in Nagoya, Japan.
The State of Wildlife Trade in Japan
Report author(s):
Akiko Ishihara, Kahoru Kanari, Tsugumi Saito, Soyo Takahashi
Publication date:
October 2010