About ReTTA

ReTTA is a TRAFFIC project aiming to Reduce Trade Threats to Africa’s Wild Species and Ecosystems. The project is funded by Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.
Published 22 February 2023
Marine animals or animal derivatives are sold as curiosities or ‘curios’ worldwide but are particularly prevalent in countries with diverse coastlines.
Report author(s):
Martin Andimile, Camilla Floros
Publication date:
February 2023
Curios consist of ornaments, trinkets, crafts, and trophies that are sold either in raw or in processed form. Mollusc shells and corals are among the most common products sold as curios around many coastal regions in African countries. In Tanzania, most curio products are sold through craft and jewellery shops in popular tourist destination areas.
Tourism has intensified the curio trade in the region whereby marine species are targeted and sold as mementos to foreigners and visitors. This is an important economic activity that provides employment and income in subsistence fishing communities. However, increasing tourism has led to increasing demand for curios as souvenirs, placing many wild species at risk of overexploitation. This assessment looked at the wildlife species traded as curios at various sites in Dar es Salaam, Tanga and Unguja (Zanzibar), with the aim of gaining a better understanding of the species and quantities in trade, and potential threats to wild populations.
are the most common curio product traded
as well as nationally protected species are traded
may threaten an income stream for coastal communities
Camilla Floros Project Leader - ReTTA
ReTTA is a TRAFFIC project aiming to Reduce Trade Threats to Africa’s Wild Species and Ecosystems. The project is funded by Arcadia—a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.
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