Halting Biodiversity Loss: Towards. Sustainable Wildlife Trade in. Central America. Briefing paper
© Adrián Reuter / TRAFFIC
Published 1 January 2009
The trade in wild plants and animals is a complex and challenging issue, which many governments and organizations internationally have struggled with to reduce illegal and unsustainable elements. The countries that have signed the Central America - Dominican Republic – United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) are no exception to this challenge. There is a clear need to understand the drivers of illegal and unsustainable trade in wildlife to formulate approaches to improve the capacity of government authorities to enforce existing laws and regulations in a coordinated manner. Governments need to work with stakeholders to support management of wildlife and deter any illegal activities that are currently commonplace.
Report author(s):
TRAFFIC, North America office
Publication date:
January 2009
Halting Biodiversity Loss: Towards. Sustainable Wildlife Trade in. Central America. Briefing paper