TRAFFIC Reports and publications
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Tuna: found 7 publications.
Archived publications
- (Jan 2008): The Case for a Catch Documentation Scheme in the Western and Central Pacific (PDF)
- (Dec 2006): The Use of Trade-Related Measures in the CCSBT (PDF)
- (Nov 1999): Slipping the Net: Spain's Compliance with ICCAT Recommendations for Swordfish and Bluefin Tuna (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): The Listing of Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) on Appendix II of CITES. What would it actually mean? (PDF)
- (Jul 1997): A Review of the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery: Implications for Ecologically Sustainable Management (PDF)
- (Oct 1993): Bluefin Tuna. An Examination of the International Trade with an Emphasis on the Japanese Market (PDF)