TRAFFIC Reports and publications : Asia & Middle East
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Archived publications
- (Jul 2014): TRAFFIC Post, India Office Newsletter (PDF)
- (Mar 2014): TRAFFIC Post, India Office Newsletter (PDF)
- (Dec 2013): Tiger Chronicles Chinese issues (PDF)
- (Apr 2013): Shutting down the rhino horn trade - Factsheet (PDF)
- (Sep 2012): Behaviour Change We Can Believe In: Towards A Global Demand Reduction Strategy for Tigers (PDF)
- (May 2011): Asian Wildlife Trade Bulletin (PDF)
- (Oct 2010): TRAFFIC Post, India Office Newsletter (PDF)
- (Jun 2010): Towards a sustainable livelihood with wild medicinal resources (PDF)
- (Jan 2009): CITES in Southeast Asia Watch E-Bulletin (PDF)
- (Jun 2008): Proceedings of the workshop on trade and conservation of pangolins native to South and Southeast Asia (PDF)
- (Jan 2007): TRAFFIC, East Asia Newsletter (PDF)
- (Nov 2006): Proceedings of the CITES Agarwood experts group meeting, Malaysia, 14–17 November 2006 (PDF)
- (Oct 2006): Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Trade in Bear Parts (PDF)
- (Apr 2006): World shark catch, production & trade 1990 - 2003 (PDF)
- (Feb 2006): The Trade of the Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle Chelodina mccordi (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Western Pacific Workshop on Policy, Enforcement and Sustainable Trade for the CITES Appendix II – listed Humphead (Napoleon) Wrasse, Cheilinus undulates (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Welcome to Tibet (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Bear Gall Bladder Trade in Japan (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Hanging in the Balance: An assessment of trade in orang-utans and gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jul 2005): Trapping a Living: Conservation and Socio-Economic Aspects of the Fur Trade in the Russian Far East (PDF)
- (Apr 2005): No Oasis: Egyptian ivory trade in 2005 (PDF)
- (Mar 2005): Japan's Trade in Live Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles as Pets (PDF)
- (Feb 2005): In Full Swing: an assessment of trade in Orang-utans and gibbons on Java and Bali Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Tropical Woods (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Hunting Trophies (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Sep 2004): Shark Product Trade in Hong Kong and Mainland China and Implementation of the CITES Shark Listings (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): A Malaysian Assessment of the World List of Threatened Trees (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Framing the Picture: An Assessment of Ramin Trade in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Certifying Certification: Can Certification Secure a Sustainable Future for Medicinal Plants, Harvesters and Consumers in India? (PDF)
- (Jul 2004): Demand Driven: The Trade of Indian Star Tortoises Geochelone elegans in Peninsular Malaysia (PDF)
- (May 2004): A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparative Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Markets in San Francisco and New York (PDF)
- (May 2004): Open Season: An analysis of the pet trade in Medan, Sumatra 1997 – 2001 (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): Against the Grain: Trade in Musk Deer Products in Singapore and Malaysia (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): No Licence to Kill: The Population and Harvest of Musk Deer and Trade in Musk in the Russian Federation and Mongolia (PDF)
- (Mar 2004): A Guide to the identification of seahorses (PDF)
- (Mar 2004): A Guide to the identification of seahorses (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Mar 2004): Shelled Out? A Snapshot of Bekko Trade in Selected Locations in Southeast Asia (PDF)
- (Mar 2004): The Trade in Marine Turtle Products in Viet Nam (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Nowhere to Hide: The Trade in Sumatran Tiger (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Conservation and Sustainable Use of China's Medicinal Species
- (Dec 2003): ETIS Training Manual
- (Nov 2003): Monkfish: Lophius americanus (PDF)
- (Oct 2003): The Ivory Markets of East Asia (PDF)
- (Oct 2003): Fading Footprints: The Killing and Trade of Snow Leopards (PDF)
- (Oct 2003): Chinese Medicinal Wildlife Resources Conservation and Sustainable Use
- (Jun 2003): A Survey of the Rhinoceros Beetle and Stag Beetle Market in Japan (PDF)
- (Jun 2003): A Question of Attitude: South Korea’s Traditional Medicine Practitioners and Wildlife Conservation (PDF)
- (Feb 2003): An Assessment of the Domestic Ivory Carving Industry and Trade Controls in India (PDF)
- (Jan 2003): Eels: Their Harvest and Trade in Europe and Asia (PDF)
- (Oct 2002): Conservation of Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Japan’s Trade in Ivory after the Tenth Conference of the Parties to CITES (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Management and Trade of Whale Sharks in Taiwan (PDF)
- (Aug 2002): An Investigation of the Ivory Market in Taiwan (PDF)
- (Aug 2002): The Trade of Elephants and Elephant Products in Myanmar (PDF)
- (Jul 2002): An Assessment of China's Management of Trade in Elephants and Elephant Products (PDF)
- (Jul 2002): An Assessment of the Illegal Trade in Elephants and Elephant Products in Viet Nam (PDF)
- (Mar 2002): Musk Market Survey Report (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): In Harmony with CITES? An analysis of the compatibility between current forestry management provisions and the effective implementation of CITES listing for timber species in Malaysia (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): A CITES Priority: Seahorses and the Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES (PDF)
- (Aug 2001): Review of Trade in Live Corals from Indonesia (PDF)
- (Apr 2001): Musk Deer Farming as a Conservation Tool in China (PDF)
- (Apr 2001): CITES & India (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Gentle Giants of the Sea: India's Whale Shark Fishery (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Endangered Species Used in Traditional East Asian Medicine: Substitutes for Tiger Bone and Musk (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): The Final Frontier: Towards Sustainable Management of Papua New Guinea's Agarwood Resource (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Trade in Bear Parts
- (Oct 2000): CITES Listed Medicinal Plants of India: An Identification Manual (PDF)
- (Oct 2000): Regulation of Collection Transit and Trade of Medicinal Plants and other Non Timber Forest Products in India. A Compendium (PDF)
- (Sep 2000): Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in India A reference book
- (Aug 2000): Heart of the Matter: Agarwood Use and Trade and CITES Implementation for Aquilaria malaccensis (PDF)
- (Aug 2000): Asian Turtle Trade: Chelonian Research Monographs No. 2
- (Jul 2000): A survey of whale meat markets along South Korea's coast (PDF)
- (Jul 2000): DNA Sequence Analysis of Whale Meat in Japan (PDF)
- (Jun 2000): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Enforcing Wildlife Trade Controls in the Russian Far East and North East Asia (PDF)
- (Jun 2000): A survey of the commercial trade in Whale meat products in Japan (PDF)
- (Apr 2000): Shahtoosh: The Nepal Connection
- (Mar 2000): Far from a Cure: The Tiger Trade Revisited (PDF)
- (Oct 1999): Sustainable Use of Large Migratory Fish in the Southern and Indian Oceans: Gaps in the International Legal Framework
- (Sep 1999): Fraudulence in Indian Live Bird Trade: An Identification Monograph for Control of Illegal Trade (PDF)
- (Sep 1999): Live Bird Trade in Northern India (PDF)
- (Aug 1999): Shawls of Shame (PDF)
- (Jul 1999): On the Scent: Conserving Musk Deer - The Uses of Musk and Europe's Role in its Trade (PDF)
- (Jun 1999): The Hong Kong Trade in Live Reef Fish for Food (PDF)
- (Feb 1999): Fashion Statement Spells Death for Tibetan Antelope (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Proceedings of the Workshop on the Conservation of Medicinal Plants (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Fishing for Solutions: Can the Live Trade in Wild Groupers and Wrasses from Southeast Asia be Managed. Trade Review (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): A WWF India Field guide to freshwater Turtles and Tortoises of India (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Trade and Utilisation in Peninsular Malaysia. Trade Review (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Imports of Indonesian Marine Products into the European Union 1990-1995 (PDF)
- (Sep 1998): The Impact of Nest Collection on the Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): While Supplies Last: The Sale of Tiger and Other Endangered Species Medicines in North America (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): Wildlife Trade in Russia and Central Asia (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): A World Apart? Attitudes Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Hong Kong and the United States (PDF)
- (Dec 1997): Monitoring of Trade in Elephant Products and Illegal Killing of Elephants (PDF)
- (Jul 1997): Shark Fisheries and Trade in Taiwan (PDF)
- (Jul 1997): A Review of the Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery: Implications for Ecologically Sustainable Management (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): CITES identification guide - birds (Chinese Edition) (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): Rhino Progress? The Response to CITES Resolution Conf. 9.14 (PDF)