TRAFFIC Reports and publications : Mammals
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showing 127 to 136 of 136 matching publications.
Archived publications
- (Dec 2013): Tiger Chronicles Chinese issues (PDF)
- (Oct 2013): African Rhinos - the facts (PDF)
- (Apr 2013): Shutting down the rhino horn trade - Factsheet (PDF)
- (Apr 2013): TRAFFIC's engagement in the fight against illegal trade in elephant ivory (PDF)
- (Sep 2012): Behaviour Change We Can Believe In: Towards A Global Demand Reduction Strategy for Tigers (PDF)
- (Jan 2012): Sensibilisation et Renforcemen des Capacites des Acteurs en Charge du Suivi et de l'applications des depositions legales nationales relatives a la conservation et a la gestion des ressources fauniques dans le tri-national de la sangha-TNS (PDF)
- (May 2011): Asian Wildlife Trade Bulletin (PDF)
- (Sep 2009): Elaboration de la Strategie et du Plan D’action National Sur La « Viande De Brousse » (PDF)
- (Jun 2008): Proceedings of the workshop on trade and conservation of pangolins native to South and Southeast Asia (PDF)
- (Dec 2007): A Review of the European Union’s Import Policies for Hunting Trophies (PDF)
- (Nov 2007): A Briefing Paper on Marking Techniques Used in the Control of Wildlife in the European Union (PDF)
- (Jan 2007): Wildlife trade in the Russian Far East: an overview (PDF)
- (Jan 2007): Surveying Wildlife Trade Markets Training Handbook (PDF)
- (Oct 2006): Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Trade in Bear Parts (PDF)
- (Sep 2006): Bear Necessities: an analysis of brown bear management and the EU's role in the trophy trade (PDF)
- (Apr 2006): No Peace for Elephants: Unregulated domestic ivory markets in Angola and Mozambique (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Welcome to Tibet (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife Trade in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of CITES Implementation in 15 Countries (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife trade law: A UK enforcer's factfile
- (Jan 2006): Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in EU Member States: Country Profiles (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on Wildlife Detector Dogs (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Rhino Horn Stockpile Management: Minimum standards and best practices from east and southern Africa (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Proceedings of the EU Wildlife Trade Enforcement Co-ordination Workshop (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Sport Hunting in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region: An Overview (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Bear Gall Bladder Trade in Japan (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Hanging in the Balance: An assessment of trade in orang-utans and gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jul 2005): Trapping a Living: Conservation and Socio-Economic Aspects of the Fur Trade in the Russian Far East (PDF)
- (May 2005): CITES, Eh? A Review of Canada’s Implementation of CITES Under WAPPRIITA (PDF)
- (Apr 2005): No Oasis: Egyptian ivory trade in 2005 (PDF)
- (Feb 2005): In Full Swing: an assessment of trade in Orang-utans and gibbons on Java and Bali Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Hunting Trophies (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Tackling the Ivories: The Status of the US Trade in Elephant and Hippo Ivory (PDF)
- (May 2004): A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparative Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Markets in San Francisco and New York (PDF)
- (May 2004): Open Season: An analysis of the pet trade in Medan, Sumatra 1997 – 2001 (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): Against the Grain: Trade in Musk Deer Products in Singapore and Malaysia (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): No Licence to Kill: The Population and Harvest of Musk Deer and Trade in Musk in the Russian Federation and Mongolia (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): Expanding Borders: New Challenges for Wildlife Trade Controls in the European Union (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Nowhere to Hide: The Trade in Sumatran Tiger (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on the Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in Central Eastern Europe (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Traditional Asian medicine identification guide for law enforcers: version II (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Conservation and Sustainable Use of China's Medicinal Species
- (Dec 2003): More Ivory than Elephants: Domestic Ivory Markets in Three West African Countries (PDF)
- (Dec 2003): ETIS Training Manual
- (Oct 2003): The Ivory Markets of East Asia (PDF)
- (Oct 2003): Fading Footprints: The Killing and Trade of Snow Leopards (PDF)
- (Oct 2003): Chinese Medicinal Wildlife Resources Conservation and Sustainable Use
- (Jun 2003): A Question of Attitude: South Korea’s Traditional Medicine Practitioners and Wildlife Conservation (PDF)
- (Feb 2003): An Assessment of the Domestic Ivory Carving Industry and Trade Controls in India (PDF)
- (Jan 2003): Vectors and Pathways of Biological Invasions in South Africa - Past, Present and Future (PDF)
- (Dec 2002): Trade in Wildlife: Regulation for Conservation (PDF)
- (Oct 2002): The World's Unregulated Domestic Ivory markets (PDF)
- (Oct 2002): Conservation of Tigers and Other Asian Big Cats (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Japan’s Trade in Ivory after the Tenth Conference of the Parties to CITES (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Publicity Initiative for Wildlife Trade Controls in the EU – Targeting Stakeholders (PDF)
- (Aug 2002): An Investigation of the Ivory Market in Taiwan (PDF)
- (Aug 2002): The Trade of Elephants and Elephant Products in Myanmar (PDF)
- (Jul 2002): An Assessment of China's Management of Trade in Elephants and Elephant Products (PDF)
- (Jul 2002): An Assessment of the Illegal Trade in Elephants and Elephant Products in Viet Nam (PDF)
- (Apr 2002): In the Black: Status, Management, and Trade Of the American Black Bear (PDF)
- (Mar 2002): Musk Market Survey Report (PDF)
- (Mar 2002): Making a Killing or Making a Living? Wildlife trade, trade controls and rural livelihoods (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests: Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): The Lion's Share of the Hunt: Trophy Hunting and Conservation: A review of the Legal Eurasian Tourist Hunting Market and Trophy Trade under CITES (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on the Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in the EU (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Focus on EU Enlargement and Wildlife Trade: Review of CITES Implementation in Candidate Countries (PDF)
- (Jul 2001): Monitoring Norway's DNA register to manage trade in whale products (PDF)
- (Apr 2001): Musk Deer Farming as a Conservation Tool in China (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Towards a Sustainable Wildlife Trade: An Analysis of Nature Conservation Legislation in South Africa with particular reference to the Wildlife Trade (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Tagungsband - Proceedings: Medizin und Artenschutz – Herausforderung für Mensch und Natur im neuen Jahrtausend (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Endangered Species Used in Traditional East Asian Medicine: Substitutes for Tiger Bone and Musk (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on the Trade in Bear Parts
- (Jul 2000): A survey of whale meat markets along South Korea's coast (PDF)
- (Jul 2000): DNA Sequence Analysis of Whale Meat in Japan (PDF)
- (Jun 2000): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Enforcing Wildlife Trade Controls in the Russian Far East and North East Asia (PDF)
- (Jun 2000): A survey of the commercial trade in Whale meat products in Japan (PDF)
- (Apr 2000): Trade in Musk and Bear Bile in India (PDF)
- (Apr 2000): Shahtoosh: The Nepal Connection
- (Mar 2000): Far from a Cure: The Tiger Trade Revisited (PDF)
- (Dec 1999): The Status of Bears in Europe and Russia
- (Aug 1999): Shawls of Shame (PDF)
- (Jul 1999): On the Scent: Conserving Musk Deer - The Uses of Musk and Europe's Role in its Trade (PDF)
- (Jun 1999): A review of State bear trade laws (PDF)
- (Mar 1999): Healthy People - Healthy Wildlife: Proceedings of the Second Australian Symposium on Traditional Medicine and Wildlife Conservation (PDF)
- (Feb 1999): Fashion Statement Spells Death for Tibetan Antelope (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Wild Animals and Plants in Commerce in Russia and CIS Countries
- (Jan 1999): Review of the Significant Trade in Animal Species included in CITES Appendix II (PDF)
- (Dec 1998): Sustainable Utilisation of Wildlife Medicinals in East and Southern Africa: A Challenge for Health and Natural Resources Sector (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food (PDF)
- (Sep 1998): Searching for a Cure: Conservation of Medicinal Wildlife Resources in East and Southern Africa (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): While Supplies Last: The Sale of Tiger and Other Endangered Species Medicines in North America (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): A World Apart? Attitudes Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Hong Kong and the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): Wildlife Trade in Russia and Central Asia (PDF)
- (Dec 1997): Monitoring of Trade in Elephant Products and Illegal Killing of Elephants (PDF)
- (Aug 1997): An Overview of World Trade in Cervid Antler with an Emphasis on the United States and Canada (PDF)
- (Aug 1997): Healthy People - Healthy Wildlife: Proceedings of the First Symposium on Traditional Medicines and Wildlife Conservation (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): Rhino Progress? The Response to CITES Resolution Conf. 9.14 (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): Ban on Ivory, Fur and Snake Skin Trade in India. (PDF)
- (May 1997): Rhino horn and Tiger bone in China: An Investigation of Trade Since the 1993 Ban (PDF)
- (May 1997): Tiger Progress? The Response to CITES (PDF)