: 2647 pages found
News Articles
- (Mar 2022): Strengthening owl protection in India: new tools launched on world wildlife day
- (Mar 2022): Financial Flows Toolkit to tackle Illegal Wildlife Trade
- (Feb 2022): Frontliners at Malaysia’s international postal hub equipped with tools to detect wildlife in the mail
- (Feb 2022): Asia's Unceasing Pangolin Demand
- (Feb 2022): World Pangolin Day 2022
- (Feb 2022): IUCN Report: Improved supply chain management vital to reducing potential disease transmission risks in wildlife trade
- (Feb 2022): Shared vision for the future of an iconic cat in the Year of the Tiger
- (Jan 2022): Collective Voices: Say No To Tiger Bone Glue In The Year Of The Tiger
- (Jan 2022): Immediate And Urgent Actions Needed Now To Protect Tigers From Extinction
- (Jan 2022): Level Up For Tiger Protection: Huya Launches ‘Protect Our Home Planet' Campaign Ahead Of Lunar New Year
- (Dec 2021): ‘Follow The Money’ To Uncover Online Criminal Wildlife Trade Networks says TRAFFIC China
- (Dec 2021): TRAFFIC projects support Chinese timber trade reforms at World Hardwood Conference
- (Dec 2021): FOCAC 2021: How China and Africa collaborate to combat illegal wildlife trade
- (Dec 2021): A message from Rick Scobey
- (Dec 2021): Funding wood forensics could curb corruption in timber trade and help save global forests from illegal trade
- (Nov 2021): Kind Dining Campaign
- (Nov 2021): India's wildlife sniffer dog force expands with 14 newly trained SUPER SNIFFERS
- (Nov 2021): New mobile reporting app is helping combat corruption and wildlife trafficking in the aviation industry
- (Nov 2021): Will COP26 forestry pledges to tackle climate change strengthen the fight against illegal timber trade?
- (Nov 2021): Joining the dots: One Health approach critical to tackle challenges to human health, biodiversity loss and climate change
- (Nov 2021): TRAFFIC deliver a national TWIX workshop for Uganda’s law enforcement officials
- (Nov 2021): Vietnamese authorities teamed up with TRAFFIC to tackle destructive illegal trade of African timber species
- (Nov 2021): Malagasy government and TRAFFIC sign a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen monitoring and capacity to tackle illegal wildlife trade
- (Nov 2021): Climate Summit urged to implement wildlife trade solutions to tackle climate change
- (Oct 2021): NGO’s unite to #StopWildlifeCrime in Europe
- (Oct 2021): World Leaders mobilise resources to combat biodiversity crisis and Build Back Better
- (Oct 2021): Traffic Urges Crucial High-level Commitments As CoP15 Begins
- (Oct 2021): CPW experts in Sustainable Wildlife Management discuss Opportunities in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- (Sep 2021): Tech Companies Block More than 11.6 Million Transactions for Endangered Wildlife Online
- (Sep 2021): Tackling Shark Species Decline Through Traceability
- (Sep 2021): Aviation industry’s global message to wildlife traffickers: “It Doesn’t Fly With Us!”
- (Sep 2021): Significant seizure ahead of World Rhino Day highlights Southeast Asia’s role in wildlife trafficking
- (Sep 2021): TRAFFIC urges serious and swift action from global governments to overturn the international shark crisis
- (Sep 2021): Eastern Africa’s Prosecutors meet in Tanzania to strengthen the fight against wildlife crime
- (Sep 2021): Seizure in Kuala Lumpur International Airport uncovers Southeast Asian live hornbill trade
- (Sep 2021): TRAFFIC calls for robust targets, indicators and financial commitments in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- (Aug 2021): Third Wildlife Forum to explore best ways to support the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework implementation – registrations open.
- (Aug 2021): Encouraging sustainable sourcing of wildlife products in Vietnamese traditional medicines and food supplements
- (Aug 2021): Key players in Latin America and the Caribbean’s aviation industry connect to address wildlife trafficking
- (Aug 2021): Collective effort charts path to save Southeast Asia’s songbirds in crisis
- (Aug 2021): Prosecutors in East Africa set their sights on wildlife criminals
- (Aug 2021): Who’s Hoo? How to identify owls in illegal wildlife trade this International Owl Awareness Day
- (Aug 2021): The African Union Commission and TRAFFIC sign a Memorandum of Understanding to combat illegal wildlife trade and support development
- (Jul 2021): Huya gives the live streaming spotlight to wildlife conservation on Global Tiger Day
- (Jul 2021): Maritime supply chain actors brought together to step up collaborative efforts to tackle timber and wildlife trafficking in container shipping
- (Jul 2021): Thais urged to pledge against buying and owning ivory and tiger amulets under new ‘Mercy is Power’ campaign
- (Jul 2021): Shark fin ID pages now in multiple languages
- (Jul 2021): Existing Food Safety systems could be adapted to reduce wildlife trade health risks
- (Jul 2021): Biodiversity must be at the heart of COVID-19 recovery strategies
- (Jun 2021): Calling consumers and businesses to get involved this FairWildWeek
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