: 2647 pages found
News Articles
- (Jun 2021): National TWIX workshop for Kenya’s law enforcement officials
- (Jun 2021): CITES Parties gather online to review new tool to boost government-led efforts to reduce demand for illegally sourced wildlife
- (Jun 2021): EU-TWIX: Europe’s online platform connecting officials fighting wildlife crime celebrated 15 years in action
- (Jun 2021): TRAFFIC and Facebook collaboration disrupts wildlife trafficking online in the Philippines and Indonesia
- (Jun 2021): Effective regulation and management of wild species of fauna and flora needed to strengthen biodiversity and health links
- (Jun 2021): Fostering cross-border collaboration between Cameroon and Nigeria
- (Jun 2021): New spotlight video series: meet the aviation companies striving to protect wildlife from trafficking
- (Jun 2021): Huya Joins the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online
- (Jun 2021): Unabated illegal wildlife trade prompts urgent call for stronger action in the Lower Mekong
- (May 2021): New training suite will help protect vulnerable plant species from overharvesting, inline with CITES Non-Detriment Findings guidance
- (May 2021): Vital online resources available to Eastern Africa wildlife law enforcement agencies
- (May 2021): Vietnamese consumers urged to lead an active lifestyle and only use proven medicines to curb demand for tiger products on Endangered Species’ Day
- (May 2021): Leading international organisations convene ahead of Endangered Species’ Day to strengthen efforts to combat illegal trade of Africa’s wildlife.
- (May 2021): Enhancing law enforcement collaboration in the fight against wildlife crime in Cameroon
- (May 2021): Fourteen young dogs join the race to become India's wildlife sniffer dogs
- (May 2021): TRAFFIC bites back at illegal wildlife traders with the world’s first-ever 3D-printed replica shark fins
- (Apr 2021): China’s tourism industry commits to strengthening its efforts in tackling wildlife trafficking
- (Mar 2021): Social media platform TikTok joins the Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online
- (Mar 2021): Global vaccination programmes at risk without careful stewardship of critical wild ingredients such as shark squalene
- (Mar 2021): Tackling Corruption in a Time of Crisis
- (Mar 2021): Critically Endangered Hornbill gets a protection boost in Thailand.
- (Mar 2021): Enforcement agencies train together to stop wildlife trafficking across India’s Himalayas
- (Mar 2021): Thai maritime stakeholders join forces in tackling the illegal wildlife trade
- (Mar 2021): Celebrating the contribution of sustainable trade in wild forest resources to economies, health and conservation
- (Mar 2021): New enforcement tools to help curb the illegal seashell trade in India
- (Mar 2021): New research reveals Japanese attitudes towards exotic pets despite the potential risks
- (Feb 2021): Indonesia kicks off 2021 with a bumper crop of bird seizures
- (Feb 2021): Post-2020 global biodiversity framework must focus on sustainable use, strong indicators and the links with human health
- (Feb 2021): Japan lists endangered endemic reptiles and amphibians on CITES to protect them from illegal international pet trade
- (Feb 2021): Online campaign urges people not to buy, eat, wear or own protected wildlife species and their products
- (Feb 2021): Philippines’ unique monitor lizards threatened by illegal trade.
- (Jan 2021): New leadership at TRAFFIC
- (Jan 2021): Customs in China and Laos Unite in Pivotal Meeting to Combat the Smuggling of Endangered Wildlife Across their Borders
- (Jan 2021): Digital course on preventing wildlife trafficking in the supply chain now available in multiple languages
- (Dec 2020): 11 seized orangutans repatriated
- (Dec 2020): Shoppers urged to support responsibly sourced wild plant products this Christmas by looking for FairWild label
- (Dec 2020): New identification guide to assist enforcement officers combat wildlife crime in the Golden Triangle
- (Dec 2020): IUCN Red List update highlights perilous state of world shark populations
- (Dec 2020): TRAFFIC initiative to drive down tiger product consumption in Viet Nam
- (Nov 2020): Five live tigers and a tiger head seized from Thai Zoo
- (Nov 2020): TRAFFIC and Vietnamese government discuss communications strategies to counter wildlife trafficking
- (Nov 2020): Hardwood industry leaders in China sign initiative to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Nov 2020): New East Africa Association of Prosecutors website to enhance regional collaboration in the enforcement and prosecution of wildlife crime
- (Nov 2020): “Wildlife Conservation 20” message to G20: Invest in nature or face biodiversity collapse and further pandemics
- (Nov 2020): TRAFFIC and the National Assembly of Viet Nam plan strengthened wildlife legislation and communications
- (Nov 2020): Customs Authorities in China and Congo Basin meet online to devise strategies to counter illegal wildlife and timber trade
- (Nov 2020): Amphibian pet trade, consumer attitudes in Myanmar and how to assess end-market interventions: a selection of the fascinating topics in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Nov 2020): Huge seizure of Helmeted Hornbill casques and other wildlife parts in Indonesia
- (Nov 2020): Joint FAO-TRAFFIC workshop on Sustainable health care, well-being and nutrition raises the profile of wild plants
- (Oct 2020): Sweet trade: Shifting trade in liquorice root from Central Asia towards sustainability
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