: 2647 pages found
News Articles
- (Jul 2017): Viet Nam provides rhino horn samples to South Africa for DNA testing
- (Jul 2017): G20 leaders commit to intensify fight against corruption related to illegal wildlife trade
- (Jul 2017): Japan’s e-commerce giant Rakuten to end online ivory sales
- (Jul 2017): Malaysia’s traditional Chinese medicine practitioners support use of alternatives to threatened wildlife
- (Jul 2017): "About" 7.2 tonnes of ivory seized in Hong Kong
- (Jul 2017): TRAFFIC supports QYER in push for “responsible travel” amongst Chinese tourists
- (Jul 2017): Flawed Indonesian captive breeding plan facilitates wildlife laundering
- (Jun 2017): Ivory seizure exposes Japan’s lax domestic ivory trade controls
- (Jun 2017): Newly approved Vietnamese Penal Code should enhance efforts to address wildlife trafficking
- (Jun 2017): Enforcement officials in China trained on wildlife identification technology
- (Jun 2017): Gabonese authorities expand the AFRICA-TWIX network
- (Jun 2017): Vietnamese officers learn how to identify the real deal timber
- (Jun 2017): Malaysia makes third major pangolin scale seizure in a month
- (Jun 2017): China joins Namibia and Zimbabwe in efforts to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Jun 2017): TRAFFIC facilitates training for anti-smuggling personnel in three key Chinese provinces
- (Jun 2017): Viet Nam’s transport sector adopts a zero tolerance to wildlife crime in “hotspot” area
- (Jun 2017): Japan tightens wildlife trade regulations
- (Jun 2017): Forensic scientists share new strategies to fight wildlife crime
- (Jun 2017): TRAFFIC trains leading Chinese courier companies to detect illegal wildlife products
- (Jun 2017): TRAFFIC recommends rapid phase out of local ivory trade in Hong Kong
- (Jun 2017): World Environment Day - helping re-connect people with the benefits of nature
- (Jun 2017): Unsustainable use a key threat to many species proposed for CMS listing
- (May 2017): Viet Nam: Transport companies adopt zero-tolerance policies towards wildlife crime
- (May 2017): TRAFFIC and Qyer joint effort targets Responsible Travel behaviour
- (May 2017): More champions combating Illegal Wildlife Trafficking
- (May 2017): Turtle trafficker conviction highlights illegal trade threat to turtles on World Turtle Day
- (May 2017): Timber exploitation: The China-Africa Dialogue for closer collaboration on forestry legality
- (May 2017): European Union suspends the re-export of raw ivory
- (May 2017): Mapping seizures to aid conservation of imperilled Helmeted Hornbill
- (May 2017): Viet Nam E-Commerce Conference: a prime time to discuss wildlife crime
- (May 2017): Malaysian Customs make large seizure of threatened Malagasy tortoises
- (May 2017): Philippines workshop promotes co-operation between enforcement authorities against illegal eel trade
- (May 2017): After two years >10,000 businesspeople reached with socially responsible business practice messaging in Viet Nam
- (May 2017): Wildlife trade on the Asian-African Legal Consultative (AALCO) agenda
- (May 2017): FairWild and Pukka Herbs spread the Love of sustainability at #EarthOptimism
- (May 2017): Use of AFRICA-TWIX promoted in Republic of Congo and DRC
- (May 2017): Wildlife crime, CITES CoP17, Malagasy Rosewood and more – in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Apr 2017): African workshops promote wildlife conservation to local Chinese nationals
- (Apr 2017): Sir David Attenborough to lead celebration of global conservation success
- (Apr 2017): Zambia announces indefinite ban on “In Transit” timber
- (Apr 2017): Workshop for southwest Indian Ocean sets stage for monitoring and conservation of sharks and rays
- (Apr 2017): Shanghai workshop promotes use of social marketing to change illegal wildlife consumption
- (Apr 2017): Eastern African nations launch Steering Committee for Zanzibar Declaration on Illegal Trade in Timber and other Forest Products
- (Apr 2017): 18 rhino horns seized by Malaysian Customs
- (Apr 2017): EU urged to consider designating environmental crime a high priority
- (Apr 2017): Adding teeth to law enforcement: 13 dog squads commence wildlife detection training
- (Mar 2017): New study finds rhino horn openly for sale in notorious Myanmar wildlife markets
- (Mar 2017): Enforcement agencies gear up to fight wildlife crime in Central India
- (Mar 2017): Two convicted after forensic evidence proves “new” ivory illegally on sale in Hong Kong
- (Mar 2017): Earth Hour: Wildlife art helps spread sustainable consumption message to Beijing shoppers
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