: 2647 pages found
News Articles
- (May 2013): Royal event to tackle illegal wildlife trade
- (May 2013): Operation Skynet: Forest Police crack-down on illegal wildlife trade in Beijing
- (May 2013): Nailing the rhino horn trade in Viet Nam
- (Apr 2013): NGO call for action to save the elephants of Central Africa
- (Apr 2013): Japan and Russia increase penalties for wildlife crimes
- (Apr 2013): Ad campaign aims to reduce Vietnamese demand for rhino horn
- (Apr 2013): South-East Asia nations discuss integration of plant conservation targets into national policies
- (Apr 2013): Marine turtle trade highlighted as Hainan launches Year of Aquatic Wildlife Conservation 2013
- (Apr 2013): Earth Hour platform boosts China outreach on illegal wildlife trade
- (Mar 2013): Engaging China’s youth in protecting marine turtles
- (Mar 2013): Largest seizure of Critically Endangered Ploughshare Tortoises made in Thailand
- (Mar 2013): Government failure to support wildlife crime stoppers
- (Mar 2013): Global wildlife trade conference closes with firm resolve
- (Mar 2013): White smoke for Whitetip and other sharks at CITES
- (Mar 2013): CITES turns up the heat on Tiger smugglers
- (Mar 2013): CITES agrees improved ivory control measures
- (Mar 2013): CITES members silent over failure to address illegal toothfish fishing
- (Mar 2013): Timber proposals widely adopted at CITES
- (Mar 2013): CITES Parties agree on Manta rays proposal
- (Mar 2013): Sharks receive improved trade protection measures
- (Mar 2013): Freshwater turtles and a tortoise receive improved trade protection measures under UN agreement
- (Mar 2013): Wildlife crime-fighting training package for ASEAN Customs officers
- (Mar 2013): Thailand will end ivory trade says PM
- (Feb 2013): Keeping it wild: Industry dialogue over the sustainability of wild plants sourcing at BioFach
- (Feb 2013): Understanding the EU Wildlife Trade Regulations
- (Feb 2013): All eyes on countries fuelling illegal ivory trade
- (Feb 2013): Hands-on training for enforcement officers in Myanmar
- (Feb 2013): A last farewell to Emmanuel Tamounang (1967–2013)
- (Feb 2013): More than 2000 live snakes seized in Bangkok Airport
- (Feb 2013): Government, business and NGOs map strategies to reduce demand for illegal wildlife in China
- (Feb 2013): Two-year jail sentence in Malaysia’s biggest tiger part smuggling case
- (Feb 2013): More than 11,000 elephants killed in Gabon over eight years
- (Feb 2013): Ploughshares to benefit from ‘Party of the week’
- (Jan 2013): US and India Co-operate to Combat Illegal Trade in Wildlife
- (Jan 2013): Slow lorises the focus of wildlife trafficking meeting
- (Jan 2013): Enforcement officers focus on wildlife trade in Lao PDR
- (Jan 2013): Eleven live otters found in airport luggage
- (Jan 2013): Indo-Nepal border security forces receive boost to counteract wildlife crime
- (Jan 2013): Writing competition to bring awareness of the threats facing Viet nam's wildlife
- (Jan 2013): Win a trip to South Africa!
- (Jan 2013): Rhinos in crisis – poaching and illegal trade reach highest levels in over 20 years
- (Jan 2013): Rhino poaching toll reaches new high
- (Jan 2013): Producers at centre of Vicuña Convention meeting
- (Jan 2013): Bilateral meeting sets stage for efforts to curb wildlife smuggling at Thailand-Lao PDR border
- (Dec 2012): Novel outreach programme engages Hainan fishing community to protect marine turtles
- (Dec 2012): INTERPOL provides intelligence-led enforcement training as core approach to cracking down on illegal trade in Asian Big Cats
- (Dec 2012): IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses of CoP16 Proposals available
- (Dec 2012): New report confirms ‘major surge’ in ivory smuggling in 2011
- (Dec 2012): Australian Government announces new programme to combat illegal timber trade in Asia Pacific
- (Dec 2012): Judges to get tough on wildlife traffickers in South-East Asia
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