: 2647 pages found
News Articles
- (Aug 2012): New campaign to tackle wildlife crime
- (Aug 2012): Almost 900 Star Tortoises seized in Thailand
- (Aug 2012): Bear bile farming poses ongoing threat to wild bear conservation
- (Aug 2012): Frontline officers in Thailand learn anti-poaching skills
- (Aug 2012): Thousands of marine turtle eggs seized - again
- (Aug 2012): Notorious wildlife dealer caught red-handed in India
- (Aug 2012): Illegal wildlife trade threatens elephants, rhinos and tigers
- (Aug 2012): Reptiles repatriated to Philippines
- (Jul 2012): CITES bares teeth, but can it bite?
- (Jul 2012): Statisticians help fight against increasing illegal ivory trade
- (Jul 2012): TRAFFIC helps train officers to combat illegal marine turtle trade in Hainan
- (Jul 2012): Wildlife trade on the agenda at key Africa-China meeting
- (Jul 2012): Meeting to plug gaps in porous Indo-Nepal border
- (Jul 2012): Pythons, lorises and a monkey seized at Bangkok airport
- (Jul 2012): TRAFFIC survey highlights Lao PDR’s dark trade in ivory
- (Jul 2012): Pukka Herbs launches FairWild-certified herbal tea
- (Jul 2012): Training to boost wildlife crime fighting capability in Western Thailand
- (Jul 2012): China and ASEAN states join hands to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Jun 2012): Gabon’s President destroys ivory and commits to zero tolerance for wildlife crime
- (Jun 2012): Gabon set to burn thousands of ivory tusks and carvings
- (Jun 2012): Experts report highest elephant poaching and ivory smuggling rates in a decade
- (Jun 2012): TRAFFIC raises awareness of poaching threat in wildlife trade hotspot
- (Jun 2012): e-Commerce companies declare zero-tolerance towards illegal online wildlife trading
- (Jun 2012): SAWEN officials prioritize efforts to combat illegal wildlife trade in South Asia
- (Jun 2012): Central African countries agree plan to improve law enforcement and combat poaching
- (Jun 2012): Sri Lanka seizes 1.5 tonnes of ivory
- (May 2012): ‘WANTED ALIVE’: Help save our big cats
- (May 2012): May18th: A fascinating day for plants
- (May 2012): Timber tracking technologies under the spotlight
- (May 2012): Tiger recovery efforts progressing, urgent action still needed to fight poaching
- (May 2012): Tiger and other cat parts seized in Thailand
- (May 2012): Panda landscape project on sustainable use of wild medicinal plants wins Equator Prize
- (May 2012): App to fight wildlife trafficking in Cambodia
- (May 2012): Multiagency approach to tackling wildlife crime in Arunachal Pradesh
- (May 2012): Wild flora, sustainable use and livelihoods: progress on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
- (May 2012): TRAFFIC supports training of hundreds of border police in Guangxi, China
- (Apr 2012): Repatriated Philippine Forest Turtles turned over to Katala Foundation
- (Apr 2012): Large pangolin seizure highlights timeliness of re-forming IUCN-SSC Pangolin Specialist Group
- (Apr 2012): Meeting sparks international interest in wildlife detector dog programmes
- (Apr 2012): Training to boost wildlife crime investigation in Belum-Temengor, Malaysia
- (Apr 2012): A sweet step towards protection of Sugar Gliders in Malaysia
- (Apr 2012): Transport companies in China urged to be on the lookout for illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2012): Fish in bags among wildlife menagerie seized at Bangkok airport
- (Apr 2012): TRAFFIC launches sustainable wild harvested medicinal plant project in Viet Nam
- (Apr 2012): Gabon to incinerate audited ivory stockpiles
- (Apr 2012): Loris trade not so slow
- (Mar 2012): Trans-boundary conservation measures for Argali needed
- (Mar 2012): Cameroon elephant poaching crisis spreads
- (Mar 2012): Pangolin seizure highlights Malaysia—Thailand smuggling route
- (Mar 2012): “Where’s My Mama? 2.0” campaign launches in Malaysia
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