: 2647 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (Jun 2024): Using big data techniques to monitor corruption risks in publicly available information: A technical guide
- (May 2024): Improving criminal investigations in China: combine wildlife crime and money-laundering investigations
- (Apr 2024): EU is hub for illegal trade in protected wild species, report finds
- (Mar 2024): Factsheet: Netted In Illegal Wildlife Trade - Sharks of India
- (Mar 2024): Online and international trade in live Cheetahs
- (Feb 2024): An Assessment of Wildlife Trade in Central Asia
- (Feb 2024): Guidance for Law Enforcement Authorities On Illegal Wild Species Trade: Data Collection, Analysis and Sharing in Central Asia
- (Feb 2024): A Review Of The Laws Related to The Use And Trade Of Wild Species In Four Central Asian Countries
- (Jan 2024): Establishing a robust National Ivory Stockpile Management System in Cameroon
- (Nov 2023): Corruption risks in the supply of non-human primates for clinical testing
- (Nov 2023): Analysis of Wildlife Court Cases in Cameroon: Jan 2010 – Dec 2022
- (Sep 2023): Artisanal fishing in East Africa: An Assessment of Marine Species Traded at East African Artisanal Fish Landing Sites
- (Aug 2023): Guidelines for Risk Assessment in the Utilisation of Medicinal Fauna and Flora
- (Aug 2023): Forest in Cages: The Online Trade of Hornbills in the Philippines
- (Jun 2023): Legal and sustainable wild species trade: Learnings and implications for nature market governance
- (Jun 2023): An Overview of seizures of CITES-listed Wildlife in the EU in 2021
- (Jun 2023): Wildlife Money Trails Building Financial Investigations From Wildlife And Timber Trafficking Cases In The European Union
- (May 2023): Illegal Wildlife Trade: Baseline for Monitoring and Law Enforcement in the Sulu-Celebes Seas
- (Apr 2023): Trading Giants: A Rapid Assessment Of Giant Clam Tridacninae Seizures Implicating Southeast Asia 2003-2022
- (Mar 2023): An assessment of wildlife trade between Madagascar and Southeast Asia
- (Mar 2023): An overview of the timber traceability systems in the Congo Basin countries
- (Feb 2023): Traditional medicine in Tanzania
- (Feb 2023): Wildlife Products in Curio Shops in three urban centres in Tanzania
- (Feb 2023): India's Pangolins buried in Illegal Wildlife Trade
- (Feb 2023): Factsheet on India’s caterpillar fungus in illegal wildlife trade
- (Feb 2023): Factsheet on India’s Agarwood in illegal wildlife trade
- (Feb 2023): Factsheet on India’s Red Sanders in illegal wildlife trade
- (Dec 2022): Visualizing corruption risks in the illegal rhino horn trade supply chain
- (Dec 2022): We Use Wild – Forum on wild plant ingredients event report
- (Nov 2022): In Deep Water: India's Sea Cucumbers in Illegal Wildlife Trade
- (Nov 2022): Skin and Bones: Tiger Trafficking Analysis from January 2000–June 2022
- (Oct 2022): Development of a Central Africa Bushmeat Monitoring System (SYVBAC)
- (Oct 2022): Farmed or Poached? The trade of live Indonesian Bird Species in the Philippines
- (Sep 2022): Rosewood Products and Consumption
- (Sep 2022): Policies on Rosewood in China
- (Sep 2022): China's Rosewood Market Survey
- (Aug 2022): Factsheet on Snake seizures in Southeast Asia
- (Jul 2022): Compliance Protocol for managing stockpiles of CITES-listed shark fins in Hong Kong SAR
- (Jul 2022): Factsheet on Indian Spiny-tailed Lizard in illegal wildlife trade
- (Jul 2022): Options for Managing and Tracing Wild Animal Trade Chains to Reduce Zoonotic Risk
- (Jul 2022): Cyber-enabled wildlife trade in Central African Countries and Nigeria
- (Jun 2022): Behavioural drivers of corruption facilitating illegal wildlife trade – Problem analysis and state of the field review
- (May 2022): Factsheet on Orchids in India's illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2022): WildCheck: Assessing risks and opportunities of trade in wild plant ingredients
- (Mar 2022): High Flying: Insight Into Wildlife Trafficking Through India's Airports
- (Mar 2022): Illuminating Amphibians: The amphibian trade in Japan
- (Mar 2022): Missing Sharks: A Country Review Of Catch, Trade And Management Recommendations For CITES-Listed Shark Species
- (Mar 2022): Expanded wildlife identification guide for law enforcement agencies across Southeast Asia
- (Mar 2022): On the case: Identifying corruption by reviewing wildlife crime court cases in southern Africa
- (Mar 2022): An overview of seizures of CITES-listed Wildlife in the EU in 2020
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