: 2647 pages found
Archived (Legacy) Publications
- (Dec 2006): The Use of Trade-Related Measures in the CCSBT (PDF)
- (Dec 2006): Confronting Shark Conservation Head On! (PDF)
- (Nov 2006): Proceedings of the CITES Agarwood experts group meeting, Malaysia, 14–17 November 2006 (PDF)
- (Nov 2006): Conservation of Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias: A Role for CITES? (PDF)
- (Oct 2006): Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Trade in Bear Parts (PDF)
- (Sep 2006): Bear Necessities: an analysis of brown bear management and the EU's role in the trophy trade (PDF)
- (Aug 2006): A Review of the Trade in Aloe ferox, with a focus on the role of the European Union (PDF)
- (Jul 2006): The Role of CITES in Combating Illegal Logging – Current and Potential (PDF)
- (Jul 2006): Tourists, Turtles and Trinkets: a look at the trade in marine turtle products in the Dominican Republic and Colombia: A report from the field (PDF)
- (Jun 2006): The Call of the Wild: Captive crocodilian production and the shaping of conservation incentives (PDF)
- (May 2006): Follow the Leader: Learning from experience and best practice in regional fisheries management organizations (PDF)
- (Apr 2006): No Peace for Elephants: Unregulated domestic ivory markets in Angola and Mozambique (PDF)
- (Apr 2006): World shark catch, production & trade 1990 - 2003 (PDF)
- (Feb 2006): The Trade of the Roti Island Snake-necked Turtle Chelodina mccordi (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Manual de Procedimientos Administrativos para el Aprovechamiento, Transporte y Exportación de la Caoba Swietenia macrophylla en el Peru
- (Jan 2006): Universal caviar labelling requirements (German) (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Universal caviar labelling requirements (French) (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Universal caviar labelling requirements (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Black gold: The caviar trade in western Europe (German) (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Black gold: The caviar trade in western Europe (French) (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Black gold: The caviar trade in western Europe (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Western Pacific Workshop on Policy, Enforcement and Sustainable Trade for the CITES Appendix II – listed Humphead (Napoleon) Wrasse, Cheilinus undulates (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Welcome to Tibet (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Conservation Implications of Allocation under the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife trade law: A UK enforcer's factfile
- (Jan 2006): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on Wildlife Detector Dogs (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in EU Member States: Country Profiles (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife Trade in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of CITES Implementation in 15 Countries (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Implementation of Article 16, Council Regulation (EC) No.338/97, in the 25 Member States of the European Union (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Rhino Horn Stockpile Management: Minimum standards and best practices from east and southern Africa (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Sport Hunting in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region: An Overview (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Proceedings of the EU Wildlife Trade Enforcement Co-ordination Workshop (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Bear Gall Bladder Trade in Japan (PDF)
- (Aug 2005): Hanging in the Balance: An assessment of trade in orang-utans and gibbons in Kalimantan, Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jul 2005): Proceedings of the International Sturgeon Enforcement Workshop to Combat Illegal Trade in Caviar (PDF)
- (Jul 2005): Trapping a Living: Conservation and Socio-Economic Aspects of the Fur Trade in the Russian Far East (PDF)
- (May 2005): CITES, Eh? A Review of Canada’s Implementation of CITES Under WAPPRIITA (PDF)
- (Apr 2005): No Oasis: Egyptian ivory trade in 2005 (PDF)
- (Mar 2005): Japan's Trade in Live Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles as Pets (PDF)
- (Feb 2005): In Full Swing: an assessment of trade in Orang-utans and gibbons on Java and Bali Indonesia (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): Bridging the Gap: Linking timber trade with infrastructural development in Southern Tanzania – Baseline data before completion of Mkapa Bridge (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Tropical Woods (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Hunting Trophies (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Dec 2004): Menhaden: Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) (PDF)
- (Dec 2004): First Choice or Fallback? An Examination of Issues Relating to the Application of Appendix III of CITES to Marine Species (PDF)
- (Sep 2004): Shark Product Trade in Hong Kong and Mainland China and Implementation of the CITES Shark Listings (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Tackling the Ivories: The Status of the US Trade in Elephant and Hippo Ivory (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): A Malaysian Assessment of the World List of Threatened Trees (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Framing the Picture: An Assessment of Ramin Trade in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Certifying Certification: Can Certification Secure a Sustainable Future for Medicinal Plants, Harvesters and Consumers in India? (PDF)
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