: 2647 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (Jan 2022): A rapid assessment of online trade in sea cucumber and fish maw in Malaysia and Singapore
- (Jan 2022): The ROUTES Partnership from take off to touch down
- (Jan 2022): Species in Bushmeat Trade In Cameroon and The Republic of Congo
- (Dec 2021): Situation analysis: Social and Behaviour Change Messaging on Wildlife Trade and Zoonotic Disease Risks
- (Dec 2021): Study Unveils Consumer Motivations for Exotic Pets in Japan
- (Dec 2021): Trading Faces: Live Bird Trade on Facebook in Singapore
- (Nov 2021): Cracking the Code: An analysis of customs HS codes used in the trade in wild animals and plants from Africa to Asia
- (Nov 2021): TRAFFIC Amphibian Analysis: Trade needs to be regulated to prevent overexploitation and the spread of deadly diseases
- (Aug 2021): Ebbing away: Hong Kong's ivory trade
- (Aug 2021): Situation Analysis: Covid-19, wildlife trade, and consumer engagement
- (Jul 2021): Red Flag Indicators: for wildlife and timber trafficking in containerized sea cargo
- (Jun 2021): Calling for Compassion: Countering Vietnam's songbird demand with Buddhist philosophy
- (May 2021): Shell Shocked: Japan's Role In The Illegal Tortoiseshell Trade
- (May 2021): Bushmeat Trade in urban centres in Tanzania: an analysis from Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Mbeya, Arusha, and Manyara
- (May 2021): Taking Off: wildlife trafficking in the Latin America and Caribbean region
- (May 2021): African Lion Trade - An assessment of trade mortalities and anthropogenic threats facing lions in Tanzania and Mozambique
- (Apr 2021): Often Overlooked Ivory Trade – a rapid assessment of the international trade in hippo ivory
- (Apr 2021): The Illegal Wildlife Trade and the Banking Sector in China: The Need for a Zero-Tolerance Approach
- (Apr 2021): Sweet Dreams: Assessing opportunities and threats in Kazakhstan’s wild liquorice root trade
- (Mar 2021): Illegal wildlife trade and consumer demand reduction efforts in Thailand: A Situation Analysis
- (Mar 2021): Case Digest: An Initial Analysis of the Financial Flows and Payment Mechanisms Behind Wildlife and Forest Crime
- (Mar 2021): Shared Skies: Convergence of wildlife trafficking with other illicit activities in the aviation industry
- (Mar 2021): An overview of seizures of CITES-listed Wildlife in the EU in 2019
- (Mar 2021): Smuggled for its Song: The Trade in Malaysia’s Oriental Magpie-robins
- (Mar 2021): The role of France in wildlife trade: an analysis of CITES trade and Seizure data
- (Feb 2021): Seahorse trade dynamics from Africa to Asia
- (Feb 2021): Sea cucumber trade From Africa to Asia
- (Feb 2021): Maw trade: a rapid assessment of the trade in fish Swim bladders from Africa to Hong Kong SAR
- (Feb 2021): A response to trade in high-value trade in marine products between Africa and Asia
- (Jan 2021): Trading Years for Wildlife: An investigation into wildlife crime from the perspectives of offenders in Namibia
- (Dec 2020): Exemplary progress made by e-commerce companies in tackling Japan’s harmful ivory market
- (Nov 2020): Insights from the Incarcerated: An assessment of the illicit supply chain in wildlife in South Africa
- (Oct 2020): Corruption in the use of permits and allocation of access rights
- (Sep 2020): EU’s “unlikely” role in global tiger trade revealed in new WWF, TRAFFIC report
- (Sep 2020): The People Beyond the Poaching
- (Sep 2020): Shifting dynamics of illegal wildlife trade in Southeast Asia and China
- (Aug 2020): Artisanal Shark Trade in the Republic of the Congo
- (Aug 2020): Ongoing illegal pangolin trade in the Philippines
- (Jul 2020): Brazil’s widespread wildlife trafficking
- (Jul 2020): Study widens insight into extent of illicit ivory trade in Indonesia, Thailand and Viet Nam
- (Jul 2020): Tackling Wildlife Cybercrime in the EU: How technology can help
- (Jul 2020): Online trafficking of birds and reptiles in Belgium and the Netherlands and potential solutions
- (Jun 2020): The Invisible Trade: Wild plants and you in the time of COVID-19
- (Jun 2020): Crossing the Red Line
- (Jun 2020): New TRAFFIC Study encourages DRC to develop a robust ivory stockpile management system
- (Jun 2020): Reported wildlife poaching in India more than doubles during COVID-19 lockdown
- (Apr 2020): Runway to Extinction: Airports and Airlines in Every Region of the World Can Assist with Fighting Wildlife Trafficking
- (Apr 2020): Wildlife trade, COVID-19 and zoonotic disease risks: shaping the response
- (Apr 2020): A Critical Assessment of the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the Namibian Indigenous Forest / Timber Industry with Reference to Zambia and Angola
- (Mar 2020): An overview of seizures of CITES-listed wildlife in the European Union
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