: 2647 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (Mar 2018): Jakarta’s flourishing trade in threatened turtles and tortoises under the spotlight again
- (Mar 2018): Eastward bound: Analysis of CITES-listed flora and fauna exports from Africa to East and Southeast Asia
- (Feb 2018): An assessment of South African dried abalone consumption and trade in Hong Kong
- (Jan 2018): Mapping Motivations: Combating consumption of illegal wildlife in Viet Nam
- (Jan 2018): SBCC Good practice guidelines
- (Jan 2018): Utilisation of Facebook to Trade Live Reptiles in the Philippines
- (Jan 2018): Cameroon law enforcement guide
- (Dec 2017): Scaly Nexus: Mapping Indonesian pangolin seizures
- (Dec 2017): Ivory towers: Japan’s Ivory trade and domestic market
- (Dec 2017): The global trafficking of Pangolins: Seizures and Trafficking Routes from 2010–2015
- (Dec 2017): Poaching and Wildlife trafficking in the Garamba-Bili-Chinko landscape
- (Sep 2017): Caged in the City
- (Sep 2017): Ivory markets in Central Africa
- (Sep 2017): Pendants, Powder and Pathways: smuggling routes and techniques in the illicit trade in African rhino horn
- (Aug 2017): The elephant ivory market in Kinshasa, DRC
- (Aug 2017): Southern Bluefin Tuna market in China
- (Aug 2017): China's ivory market: revisited
- (Aug 2017): Update: online ivory trade in Japan
- (Jul 2017): The US Elephant Ivory Market: A New Baseline
- (May 2017): Shark and Ray Trade in Singapore
- (May 2017): Wildlife Cybercrime in China: E-commerce and social media monitoring in 2016
- (May 2017): Flying Under the Radar
- (Apr 2017): Closing strategy: Ending Hong Kong's ivory market
- (Apr 2017): An overview of timber trade in East and Southern Africa
- (Feb 2017): Songsters of Singapore: An Overview of the Bird Species in Singapore Pet Shops
- (Feb 2017): Timber Island: The Rosewood and Ebony Trade of Madagascar
- (Nov 2016): Apes in Demand for zoo and wildlife attractions in Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand
- (Nov 2016): An Analysis of the Import of Live animals from Indonesia by the Netherlands
- (Nov 2016): An assessment of trade in bear bile and gall bladder in Viet Nam
- (Nov 2016): Reduced to skin and bones re-examined
- (Nov 2016): Shark fin and Mobulid Ray gill plate trade - in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan
- (Oct 2016): An ounce of prevention: Snow leopard crime revisited
- (Sep 2016): Reduced to Skin and Bones Re-examined: Short analysis
- (Sep 2016): In Transition: Bangkok’s ivory market
- (Sep 2016): Helmeted Hornbill trade in Lao PDR
- (Sep 2016): Observations on the illegal pangolin trade in Lao PDR
- (Sep 2016): An overview of pangolin trade in China
- (Sep 2016): Malaysia’s invisible ivory channel: An assessment of ivory seizures involving Malaysia from January 2003-May 2014
- (Aug 2016): UK ivory markets
- (Aug 2016): In the market for extinction: eastern and central Java
- (Jul 2016): Changing behaviour to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products
- (Jul 2016): Illegal Otter Trade: An Analysis of Seizures in Selected Asian Countries
- (Jun 2016): RhODIS Collaborative action planning workshop proceedings
- (Jun 2016): Workshop Proceedings: support of the Implementation of National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs) in Central Africa
- (May 2016): Drivers and trends of transnational wildlife crime in Kenya
- (Apr 2016): Setting Suns: the Historical Decline of Ivory and Rhino Horn Markets in Japan
- (Apr 2016): An Investigation into the Trade of Nautilus
- (Mar 2016): Humphead Wrasse Cheilinus undulatus trade into and through Hong Kong
- (Mar 2016): A Rapid Assessment on the use of Facebook to Trade Wildlife in Peninsular Malaysia
- (Mar 2016): Monitoring lizards: using stable isotope analysis to determine the origin of monitor lizard Varanus spp. skins
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