: 2647 pages found
In-depth Reports
- (May 2011): Pills, Powders, Vials & Flakes: The bear bile trade in Asia
- (Jan 2011): The Future of Sharks: A Review of Action and Inaction
- (Nov 2010): The Big Cat Trade in Myanmar and Thailand
- (Nov 2010): Reduced to Skin and Bones
- (Nov 2010): Imperilled Custodians of the Night: illegal trade and trapping of owls in India
- (Oct 2010): A Preliminary Assessment of Pangolin Trade in Sabah
- (Oct 2010): The Trade and Use of Agarwood in the United Arab Emirates
- (Oct 2010): Wood for the Trees: A Review of the Agarwood Trade in Malaysia
- (Oct 2010): The State of Wildlife Trade in Japan
- (Sep 2010): Wild for a Cure
- (Sep 2010): Saiga Antelope Trade: Global trends with a focus on South-East Asia
- (Jun 2010): Trade in Anguilla species, with a focus on recent trade in European Eel A. anguilla
- (Mar 2010): State of Wildlife Trade in China 2008
- (Mar 2010): Conservation Status and Impacts of Trade on the Oriental Rat Snake Ptyas mucosa in Java, Indonesia
- (Jan 2010): Understanding the motivations: the first step toward influencing China’s unsustainable wildlife consumption
- (Jan 2010): Comercio y Aprovechamiento de Especies Silvestres en México: observaciones sobre la gestión, tendencias y retos relacionados
- (Aug 2009): Understanding China’s fish trade and traceability
- (Jul 2009): Proceedings of the workshop on trade and conservation of pangolins native to South and Southeast Asia
- (Jun 2009): The elephant and ivory trade in Thailand
- (May 2009): An assessment of the marine turtle trade in Viet Nam
- (May 2009): Trends in Global Shark Catch and Recent Developments in Management
- (Apr 2009): An assessment of trade in gibbons and orang-utans in Sumatra, Indonesia
- (Mar 2009): Review of trade in merbau from major range States
- (Feb 2009): Status, trade dynamics and management of the Southeast Asian Box Turtle in Indonesia
- (Feb 2009): An assessment of the illegal ivory trade in Viet Nam
- (Jan 2009): Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Pacific salmon fishing at Kamchatka
- (Jan 2009): Science in CITES: The biology and ecology of the Southeast Asian Box Turtle
- (Jan 2009): Wildlife trade from ASEAN to the EU: Issues with the trade in captive-bred reptiles from Indonesia
- (Jan 2009): Wildlife Trade Control CAFTA-DR Regional Gap Analysis Report
- (Dec 2008): Elephant and ivory trade in Myanmar
- (Nov 2008): Review of the Status, Harvest, Trade and Management of Seven Asian CITES-listed Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Species
- (Nov 2008): The illegal trade in wild birds for food through South-east and Central Europe
- (Nov 2008): The State of Wildlife Trade in China 2007
- (Nov 2008): Continuing CCAMLR’S Fight Against IUU Fishing For Toothfish
- (Nov 2008): Illegal, unreported and unregulated shark catch
- (Nov 2008): Lost in transit: Discrepancies in International Timber Trade Data
- (Oct 2008): The wild cat trade in Myanmar
- (Oct 2008): What’s Driving the Wildlife Trade?
- (Jul 2008): Paper Tigers?: The role of the U.S. captive Tiger population in the trade in Tiger parts
- (Jul 2008): Siberia’s black gold: Harvest and trade in Amur River sturgeons in the Russian Federation
- (Jul 2008): An overview of the use of plants and animals in traditional medicine systems in Viet Nam
- (Jul 2008): An overview of the use and trade of plants and animals in traditional medicine systems in Cambodia
- (May 2008): Trading Nature: the contribution of wildlife trade management to sustainable livelihoods and the Millennium Development Goals
- (Apr 2008): Pet freshwater turtle and tortoise trade in Chatuchak Market, Bangkok, Thailand
- (Feb 2008): Tiger Trade Revisited in Sumatra, Indonesia
- (Jan 2008): Night Time Spinach: Conservation and livelihood implications of wild meat use in refugee situations in north western Tanzania
- (Jan 2008): An overview of the regulation of the freshwater turtle and tortoise pet trade in Jakarta, Indonesia
- (Jan 2008): Captive breeding of selected taxa in Cambodia and Viet Nam: A reference manual for farm operators and CITES authorities
- (Dec 2007): Trade and conservation of Taxus in China
- (Nov 2007): Turning a blind eye to Bigeye Tuna
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