- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China is referred to as “Hong Kong”.
- As specified in the 2018 amendments to Hong Kong legislation, Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586), a trader’s license must be displayed alongside an Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) poster. Although there has been an increase in the display of licenses and posters, the number of ivory items for sale remains high
- The first two phases of the ban prohibited importing and re-exporting all elephant hunting trophies and introduced a requirement for commercial premises selling ivory to be licensed since 2018. The phased approach allowed a four-year grace period for traders to obtain a license to liquidate their stocks legally. This has proved instrumental in reducing the number of outlets observed selling ivory to 48% of the total survey sample, a drop of 8% between 2015 and 2019.

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About the Rufford Foundation

The Rufford Foundation is a UK registered charity which funds nature conservation projects across the developing world. To date the Foundation has awarded grants to over 4000 projects in 156 countries.