: 2516 pages found
News Articles
- (Jul 2020): Illegal online traders turned turtle in bust
- (Jul 2020): Countering illegal plant trade: TRAFFIC hosts virtual training for staff of internet giant Douyin.com
- (Jul 2020): Huge fine and arrest cautions turtle egg traders against online sales in Sabah
- (Jul 2020): Eight new "super sniffers" join forces to protect India’s wildlife
- (Jul 2020): Tổ chức TRAFFIC phối hợp với Thư viện Quốc hội
- (Jun 2020): Jail and fine for Indonesian online trader offering Critically Endangered reptile
- (Jun 2020): FairWild Week 2020: why wild plants matter more than ever
- (Jun 2020): Philippines nabs wildlife trafficker a second time
- (Jun 2020): China moves to give full protection to native pangolins
- (Jun 2020): Investing in Africa's biodiversity for a resilient and sustainable future
- (May 2020): USAID và chính quyền thành phố Đà Nẵng phối hợp truyền thông nhằm giảm nhu cầu tiêu thụ bất hợp pháp động vật hoang dã
- (May 2020): Joint African Union - TRAFFIC webinar on Wildlife Trade in Africa
- (May 2020): Study sheds light on levels of illegal trade in USA and EU markets for a sample of wildlife species
- (May 2020): Narwhal conservation, sharks, raptors, glass eels and more in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Apr 2020): COVID-19—the role of wild plants in health treatment and why sustainability of their trade matters
- (Apr 2020): Indonesian man convicted for smuggling protected songbirds
- (Apr 2020): New tool to track wildlife trade
- (Apr 2020): Malaysian Customs make six-tonne African pangolin scale seizure
- (Mar 2020): Mối liên quan giữa đại dịch COVID-19 và việc buôn bán động vật hoang dã – Góc nhìn từ TRAFFIC
- (Mar 2020): AirAsia adds momentum to the effort to combat wildlife trafficking
- (Mar 2020): TWIX platform introduced to the Horn of Africa Wildlife Enforcement Network
- (Mar 2020): Malaysian court issues hard-hitting jail only penalty to poachers
- (Mar 2020): AFRICA-TWIX launches in the Republic of Chad
- (Mar 2020): Behaviour Change for Conservation Online Course launched on World Wildlife Day
- (Mar 2020): Tech companies take down 3 million online listings for trafficked wildlife
- (Feb 2020): China announces new measures to regulate wild animal markets
- (Feb 2020): New guidebook to help enforcers spot illegal wildlife products
- (Feb 2020): Regional TWIX event: Strengthening co-operation between wildlife law enforcement agencies in Eastern Africa
- (Feb 2020): Pangolins identified as potential intermediate host of novel coronavirus
- (Jan 2020): China imposes temporary ban on all wild animal trade over coronavirus fears
- (Jan 2020): Malaysia: Celebrity fined for illegal possession of Sun Bear cub
- (Jan 2020): Cộng đồng doanh nghiệp du lịch Việt Nam chung tay bảo vệ các loài động, thực vật hoang dã
- (Dec 2019): Paulinus Chiambeng Ngeh, PhD
- (Dec 2019): 30 tour guides trained to promote sustainable tourism
- (Dec 2019): Chi Initiative public service announcements to discourage rhino horn consumption launched
- (Dec 2019): All Nippon Airways and Narita International Airport initiative to combat wildlife trafficking
- (Dec 2019): Kenya judiciary stakeholders advance their commitment to tackling wildlife crime
- (Dec 2019): ITTO urged to “go back to basics—focus on sustainable forest management and species conservation for sustainable utilisation”
- (Dec 2019): Malaysia’s newly launched enforcement operation showing promising results to protect wildlife
- (Nov 2019): Wildlife forensics training in Africa highlighted at Zambia meeting
- (Nov 2019): Zoohackathon 3.0 generates winning ideas to end wildlife trafficking
- (Nov 2019): TRAFFIC warns of European Eel trafficking surge as fishing season gets underway
- (Nov 2019): Malaysian Customs road test Guidelines for verifying timber legality
- (Nov 2019): CITES CoP18 report, international lizard trade, certification of wild plant trade and more in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Oct 2019): Mombasa seaport stakeholders agree on measures to address illegal wildlife trade
- (Oct 2019): TRAFFIC warns of illegal trapping, trade and utilisation of owls around Diwali
- (Oct 2019): New ID tools to help curb illegal trade of tortoises and freshwater turtles in India launched
- (Oct 2019): Big Indian Star Tortoise seizure Malaysia
- (Oct 2019): TRAFFIC and FIATA Launch Digital Course for Freight Forwarders to Prevent Wildlife Trafficking
- (Oct 2019): Customs and police officers in Namibia receive port scanner training on wildlife contraband
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