: 2516 pages found
News Articles
- (Mar 2019): Malaysia jails two Vietnamese nationals for illegal possession of tigers, leopards, and bears
- (Mar 2019): Dự án của TRAFFIC trang bị công cụ mới cho các bên liên quan nhằm đảm bảo thương mại gỗ bền vững
- (Mar 2019): DHL eCommerce, TRAFFIC, and WWF Collaborate to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade in Hong Kong
- (Mar 2019): TRAFFIC triển khai chiến dịch giảm nhu cầu sử dụng ngà voi tại Việt Nam
- (Mar 2019): Global Internet Giants Gather to Protect Wildlife with Technology
- (Mar 2019): Philippines makes its largest tortoise and freshwater turtle seizure on World Wildlife Day
- (Feb 2019): Workshop held to boost prosecutions of wildlife criminals
- (Feb 2019): Spotlight on sustainable use and community management of wild resources in Central Asia
- (Feb 2019): Still the top target for wildlife traffickers
- (Feb 2019): Zoo visitors urged to #ChooseYourSide on the World Pangolin Day 2019
- (Feb 2019): US Ambassador visits forensics training workshop in Zambia
- (Feb 2019): South Africa: national rhino poaching tally falls for fifth year running
- (Feb 2019): Record setting 30-tonne pangolin seizure in Sabah ahead of World Pangolin Day
- (Feb 2019): Making CITES work for wild medicinal and aromatic plants: the role of voluntary certification explored
- (Feb 2019): Assam Forest Department learn new skills to crack wildlife cybercrime
- (Jan 2019): Chad joins AFRICA-TWIX to enhance fight against wildlife crime in Central Africa
- (Jan 2019): TRAFFIC promotes green transformation for carving & collection industry in China
- (Jan 2019): FairWild market promotion workshop held in Kunming
- (Jan 2019): CITES unveils listing proposals ahead of CoP18 in Sri Lanka
- (Jan 2019): Training programme in India helps officials fight back against cybercrime
- (Dec 2018): Yami Gautam pledges support for wildlife sniffer dog programme
- (Dec 2018): Leaders in behavioural change explore innovations on how to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products
- (Dec 2018): Malaysia incinerates tonnes of seized Africa-sourced pangolin scales
- (Dec 2018): Congo Basin: Partners speak of need for collaboration to safeguard forest ecosystems
- (Dec 2018): Massive wild bird seizures reflect soaring pressure on Sumatran birds
- (Nov 2018): Enhanced expert toolkit kicks off behavioural change conference in Bangkok
- (Nov 2018): Efforts to halt world’s biodiversity loss under the spotlight
- (Nov 2018): Đảm bảo bền vững là chủ đề trung tâm của Hội Thảo Tăng Trưởng Xanh
- (Nov 2018): Threats from over-consumption highlighted in IUCN Red List update
- (Nov 2018): Hanoi’s Wildlife Village brings conservation into the spotlight
- (Nov 2018): Gender empowerment, legality frameworks, and species identification on the agenda at the ITTO Council
- (Nov 2018): Enhancing implementation of Malagasy wildlife legislation
- (Nov 2018): New tools to help shark fin identification and determination of trade sustainability
- (Nov 2018): Festival of Lights casts shadow over owls in India
- (Nov 2018): New paper recommends bottom up protection using CITES
- (Nov 2018): Primates for medicine, anti-snaring in Malaysia, and a review of the London Conference covered in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Oct 2018): Malaysia hands down hefty sentence to ex-Customs officers caught in illegal possession of wildlife
- (Oct 2018): Landmark prosecutions but low fines for Critically Endangered tortoise trafficking in Indonesia
- (Oct 2018): Succeeding with CITES: New project aims to promote sustainable wild Jatamansi trade from Nepal
- (Oct 2018): London Conference: strong commitments on demand reduction, financial crime and cybercrime
- (Oct 2018): Crucial international conference to boost global response to wildlife crime
- (Oct 2018): New tool to help assess safe sustainable offtake levels
- (Oct 2018): Namibian enforcement officers learn why wildlife crime matters
- (Sep 2018): From forests to forensics: building networks to tackle the illicit wildlife trade in Southeast Asia
- (Sep 2018): Businessman charged in connection with Malaysia’s biggest pangolin scale seizure
- (Sep 2018): Innovative solutions developed at Zoohackathon, New Delhi
- (Sep 2018): FairWild, TRAFFIC and American Herbal Products Association focus on sustainability in Cambridge meeting
- (Sep 2018): Cameroon evaluates progress in the implementation of its National Ivory Action Plan
- (Sep 2018): Project LENA awarded German sustainability award
- (Sep 2018): Airports Council International and the ROUTES Partnership Train Airport Leaders from Latin America and the Caribbean on Combating Wildlife Trafficking
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