: 2516 pages found
News Articles
- (Jul 2016): Illegal wildlife trade threat highlighted during internet governance forum
- (Jul 2016): Persistent illegal bird trade highlighted at notorious Bangkok Market
- (Jul 2016): Linking fingers to show support for elephant protection
- (Jul 2016): The role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in combating illegal wildlife trade
- (Jul 2016): Officials receive CITES enforcement training relevant to “One belt, One Road Initiative”
- (Jul 2016): Chi Phase II: “Vượng từ Chí, Lụi vì sừng”
- (Jul 2016): Illegal wildlife trade highlighted during Conservation Asia 2016
- (Jul 2016): IUCN/TRAFFIC Analyses of CoP17 Proposals available
- (Jul 2016): Countries agree measures for implementation of Zanzibar Declaration on timber trade
- (Jul 2016): Forensics expertise brought to bear on international wildlife trade
- (Jul 2016): Delay to new penal code in Viet Nam is major blow to fight against wildlife crime
- (Jun 2016): Countering wildlife trafficking meeting held in Taiwan
- (Jun 2016): Experts agree to enhanced international DNA testing of rhinos at South African Workshop
- (Jun 2016): Kenya hosts timber trade forum
- (Jun 2016): United in zero tolerance of illegal wildlife consumption
- (Jun 2016): Environment Ministers endorse ambitious EU Action Plan to address wildlife trafficking
- (Jun 2016): TRAFFIC organises seminar for wildlife crime enforcement agencies in China
- (Jun 2016): Law enforcement plan a must in Singapore’s fight to tackle illegal ivory transit role
- (Jun 2016): Germany hosts forum on illegal wildlife trade’s impact on sustainable development
- (Jun 2016): Zero tolerance for illegal wildlife trade pledged in New Delhi on World Environment Day
- (Jun 2016): US announces tough new ivory trade regulations
- (Jun 2016): Under the radar: trade in Southeast Asian newts
- (May 2016): Beijing reception focuses on wildlife conservation and responsible travel in South Africa
- (May 2016): New UNODC report provides global overview of wildlife crime
- (May 2016): Indian Ocean sharks at risk from deepwater gillnets
- (May 2016): Strengthening the arm of the law through judicial training
- (May 2016): Trade wiping out Indonesia’s bird species
- (May 2016): Prominent civil society organisations lead zero tolerance of wildlife crime
- (May 2016): Future of Yellowfin Tuna hangs in the balance
- (May 2016): Keeping the timber trade legal: Malaysia’s Customs officers given a helping hand
- (May 2016): Symposium highlights threats to the world’s plants, but solutions are to hand
- (May 2016): UK spearheads drive to root out corruption fuelling wildlife crime
- (May 2016): Sapera communities learn about wildlife protection and conservation
- (May 2016): Illegal trade pushing Helmeted Hornbills towards extinction
- (May 2016): Power of “Chi” shines in the Thua Thien Hue business community
- (Apr 2016): Lend Your Eyes to the Wild: world zoos want your help to stop illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2016): Synthetic rhino horn, pangolin trafficking & China’s wild plants—all featured in the latest TRAFFIC Bulletin
- (Apr 2016): Dongxing Customs enhance their skills in detecting illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2016): Air transport operators and Cameroon Government pledge to work together to combat Illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2016): Africa urged to emulate Zimbabwe’s tough stance on pangolin trafficking
- (Apr 2016): Pioneer in Vietnamese communications speaks out against wildlife crime
- (Apr 2016): South Africa will not seek legalisation of the international trade in rhino horn
- (Apr 2016): 4000-and counting-businesses learn to protect wildlife through corporate social responsibility
- (Apr 2016): Africa steps up fight against wildlife crime
- (Apr 2016): Cameroon destroys 2000kg of elephant tusks
- (Apr 2016): Singapore’s Wild Bird Trade Raises Troubling Questions About African Grey Parrots
- (Apr 2016): Tiger resolution sets new paradigm for conservation
- (Apr 2016): China joins South Africa and Mozambique in efforts to curb illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2016): TRAFFIC helps train leading Chinese courier company in how to detect illegal wildlife trade
- (Apr 2016): Vigilance urged as Malaysia destroys huge ivory stockpile
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