Baobab fruit is a viable source of sustainable income for local communities. We're working with organisations in Zimbabwe to implement sustainable harvesting operations that benefit local harvesters
keeping wildlife trade at sustainable levels
Hundreds of millions of people depend on wildlife trade for a living, with hundreds of millions more consuming wildlife products and ingredients on a daily basis.
Whether fish, timber, animal, or plant products, the trade and consumption of wildlife is at the heart of global economies. Unfortunately, all too often wildlife trade is conducted in a way that threatens the survival of species in the wild, damages precious ecosystems, and/or impacts negatively on the livelihoods of the people who depend on them.
the solution
... is complex. But there is hope for a world of sustainable wildlife trade.
We're taking a holistic approach to the situation by addressing the many barriers to sustainable trade across fisheries, forestry, and medicinal sectors. We've identified urgent markets and regions needing attention and our projects are working in target areas to ensure that the benefits of sustainable, ethical wildlife trade are shared throughout supply chains.
This includes supporting enforcement agencies in identifying illegal or unsustainable trade, engaging governments and international conventions to strengthen wildlife trade laws, and encouraging consumers to make sustainable choices in what they buy.
a selection of our projects promoting sustainable trade
Deforestation is a key driver of climate change and biodiversity loss.
We’re continuing our mission to foster sustainable timber trade with a new project working in China, Viet Nam, and the Congo Basin – a pivotal supply chain for tropical timber.
The FairWild Foundation was established in 2008 to promote the sustainable use of wild-collected plant ingredients in trade.
It guides the implementation of responsible resource management and sustainable harvesting techniques while making sure local harvesting communities enjoy fair pay and working conditions.
Global Shark and Ray Initiative
The goal of the GSRI is that by 2025 the conservation status of the world’s sharks and rays has improved–declines have been halted, extinctions have been prevented, and commitments to their conservation have increased globally.
We're assessing current population levels, species in trade, and promoting systems such as traceability mechanisms to ensure trade doesn't exceed sustainable levels.
Wild at Home
The Wild at Home project aims to bring important wild plant ingredients to light and support the uptake of good sourcing practices in wild-harvested supply chains.
Sustainable and equitable Jatamansi trade from Nepal
Wild-harvested medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) underpin Nepal’s traditional medicine systems and provide a critical source of income for low income rural communities.
Key to ensuring the longevity of Nepal's Jatamansi trade is the implementation of sustainable trade practices and resource management.
Reducing illegal timber exports from Cameroon and Viet Nam
This project seeks to address the ongoing impact of an explosion in consumer demand for tropical timber in East Asia, particularly from Chinese and other international markets.
We're developing training courses and materials for frontline customs officers, timber operators, and local communities to protect Congo Basin rainforests from unsustainable or illegal practices.
The Local Economy and Nature Conservation in the Danube Region (LENA) project is helping harvesters generate revenue and preserve traditional knowledge through sustainable wild plant harvesting.
We're working with partners in Bulgaria, Slovenia, Serbia, and Hungary to promote the sustainable use, consumption, and trade in wild plant ingredients.
The Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT) project is a collaborative approach towards sustainable forest management and timber trade.
RAFT is a partnership of seven leading organisations, working together to build the capacity of countries, businesses, and communities in Asia Pacific to practice legal and sustainable forest management and trade.
Reducing Trade Threats to Africa's wild species and ecosystems (ReTTA), works to identify trends in illegal or unsustainable trade and help develop national and international solutions that could turn the tide for wildlife.
The project covers both legal and illegal trade, assisting enforcement agencies and governments to ensure wildlife trade in and from Africa is conducted sustainably and ethically.