TRAFFIC Reports and publications : Birds
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Archived publications
- (Jan 2012): Sensibilisation et Renforcemen des Capacites des Acteurs en Charge du Suivi et de l'applications des depositions legales nationales relatives a la conservation et a la gestion des ressources fauniques dans le tri-national de la sangha-TNS (PDF)
- (May 2011): Asian Wildlife Trade Bulletin (PDF)
- (Nov 2007): A Briefing Paper on Marking Techniques Used in the Control of Wildlife in the European Union (PDF)
- (Jan 2007): Wildlife trade in the Russian Far East: an overview (PDF)
- (Jan 2007): Surveying Wildlife Trade Markets Training Handbook (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Welcome to Tibet (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in EU Member States: Country Profiles (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife trade law: A UK enforcer's factfile
- (Jan 2006): Wildlife Trade in Central and Eastern Europe: A Review of CITES Implementation in 15 Countries (PDF)
- (Oct 2005): Proceedings of the EU Wildlife Trade Enforcement Co-ordination Workshop (PDF)
- (May 2005): CITES, Eh? A Review of Canada’s Implementation of CITES Under WAPPRIITA (PDF)
- (May 2004): Open Season: An analysis of the pet trade in Medan, Sumatra 1997 – 2001 (PDF)
- (Apr 2004): Expanding Borders: New Challenges for Wildlife Trade Controls in the European Union (PDF)
- (Jan 2004): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on the Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in Central Eastern Europe (PDF)
- (Jan 2003): Vectors and Pathways of Biological Invasions in South Africa - Past, Present and Future (PDF)
- (Dec 2002): Trade in Wildlife: Regulation for Conservation (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Initial Assessment of Sustainability of the Live Bird Trade in Tanzania: Vulnerable Species (PDF)
- (Sep 2002): Publicity Initiative for Wildlife Trade Controls in the EU – Targeting Stakeholders (PDF)
- (Jun 2002): Response to Questions Posed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds regarding the international trade in wild birds (PDF)
- (Mar 2002): Making a Killing or Making a Living? Wildlife trade, trade controls and rural livelihoods (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests: Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Proceedings of the International Expert Workshop on the Enforcement of Wildlife Trade Controls in the EU (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): Focus on EU Enlargement and Wildlife Trade: Review of CITES Implementation in Candidate Countries (PDF)
- (May 2001): Commonly Traded South African Indigenous Birds (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Towards a Sustainable Wildlife Trade: An Analysis of Nature Conservation Legislation in South Africa with particular reference to the Wildlife Trade (PDF)
- (Jun 2000): Proceedings of the International Workshop on Enforcing Wildlife Trade Controls in the Russian Far East and North East Asia (PDF)
- (Sep 1999): Fraudulence in Indian Live Bird Trade: An Identification Monograph for Control of Illegal Trade (PDF)
- (Sep 1999): Live Bird Trade in Northern India (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Review of the Significant Trade in Animal Species included in CITES Appendix II (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Wild Animals and Plants in Commerce in Russia and CIS Countries
- (Oct 1998): Attitudes of Hong Kong Chinese Towards Wildlife Conservation and the Use of Wildlife as Medicine and Food (PDF)
- (Sep 1998): The Impact of Nest Collection on the Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): Wildlife Trade in Russia and Central Asia (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): By Hook or by Crook: A reference manual on illegal wildlife trade and prosecutions in the United Kingdom (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): CITES identification guide - birds (Chinese Edition) (PDF)
- (Apr 1997): Trade in CITES-Listed Birds to and from New Zealand (PDF)
- (Mar 1997): The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Law Enforcement: A Review of the Program Primarily Responsible for Enforcing CITES
- (Jun 1996): Parrot smuggling across the Texas-Mexico border (PDF)
- (Jan 1996): Survey of Wildlife Management Regimes for Sustainable Utilisation (PDF)
- (Jun 1995): Impact assessment of nest collection on the Edible-nest Swiftlet in the Nicobar Islands (PDF)
- (Apr 1995): South Africa's Trade in African Grey Parrots (PDF)
- (Jan 1995): Proceedings of the Seminar on International Trade in Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora 1995 (English and Korean edition)
- (Aug 1994): Wildlife Trade: A handbook for enforcement staff (PDF)
- (Apr 1994): International trade in swiftlet nests with special reference to Hong Kong (PDF)
- (Apr 1994): Sold for a Song. The Trade in Southeast Asian Non-CITES Birds (PDF)
- (Jan 1994): CITES and the Regulation of Wildlife Trade for European Circuses
- (Dec 1993): Status and management of Psittacines in northeastern Honduras
- (Jan 1993): Sustainable Use of Wildlife: Views and Perspectives
- (Jan 1993): CITES, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles (PDF)
- (Jan 1993): Identification Manual for Indian Wildlife - Species and Derivatives in Trade (PDF)
- (Jul 1992): The Control of Wildlife Trade in Greece
- (Jul 1992): 1991 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States
- (Jan 1992): Trade in Exceptional Circumstances: An Analysis of Commerce in Appendix I Animal Species (PDF)
- (Jan 1992): Sport Hunting as a Sustainable Use of Wildlife (PDF)
- (Jan 1992): Perceptions, Conservation and Management of Wild Birds in Trade (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): 1990 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): The Smuggling of Endangered Wildlife Across the Taiwan Strait
- (Jan 1991): A North American Free Trade Agreement: The Impacts on Wildlife Trade. Vols. I & II
- (Jun 1990): The cooperative working group on bird trade: findings and recommedations (PDF)
- (Apr 1990): Neotropical Psittacines in Trade
- (Jan 1990): Trade in Plants and Animals: Law and Practice
- (Jan 1990): Parrots in the Netherlands: Trade and Breeding
- (Aug 1989): Exportaciones de Psittaciformes de la República Argentina (AÑO 1987) (Export of Psittaciformes from the Republic of Argentina)
- (Nov 1988): Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones sobre la Administración de Recursos Silvestres en Argentina: La Década Reciente, (un análisis sobre la administración de la fauna terrestre)
- (Jan 1987): The Wildlife Trade and CITES: An annotated bibliography for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- (Jun 1986): Psittacine Imports In The Netherlands 1982-1984 (PDF)
- (Jun 1986): Evaluation of the Psittacine Importation Process in the United States (PDF)
- (Jul 1985): The Japanese Psittacine Trade. 1981-1982
- (Jan 1983): CITES Appendix I Species in Captivity 1977-1981- a survey of the maintenance and breeding of captive mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians from three data sources (PDF)
- (Jan 1983): Trends in Wildlife Trade from India to the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1980): Final Report on Vietnam Wildlife Trade Monitoring Project