TRAFFIC Reports and publications
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Americas showing 19 to 32 of 32 matching publications.
Archived publications
- (Sep 2006): Bear Necessities: an analysis of brown bear management and the EU's role in the trophy trade (PDF)
- (Jul 2006): Tourists, Turtles and Trinkets: a look at the trade in marine turtle products in the Dominican Republic and Colombia: A report from the field (PDF)
- (Jan 2006): Manual de Procedimientos Administrativos para el Aprovechamiento, Transporte y Exportación de la Caoba Swietenia macrophylla en el Peru
- (May 2005): CITES, Eh? A Review of Canada’s Implementation of CITES Under WAPPRIITA (PDF)
- (Jan 2005): CITES Identification Guide – Hunting Trophies (Chinese edition) (PDF)
- (Dec 2004): Menhaden: Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Tackling the Ivories: The Status of the US Trade in Elephant and Hippo Ivory (PDF)
- (Aug 2004): Collection, Trade, and Regulation of Reptiles and Amphibians of the Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion (PDF)
- (Dec 2003): ETIS Training Manual
- (Nov 2003): Monkfish: Lophius americanus (PDF)
- (May 2003): Caviar and Conservation: Status, Management, and Trade of North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish (PDF)
- (Jan 2003): Prickly Trade: Trade and Conservation of Chihuahuan Desert Cacti (PDF)
- (Dec 2002): La Pesca y el Comercio de Bacalao de Profundidad Dissostichus eleginoides en América del sur: una Perspectiva Regional (PDF)
- (Apr 2002): In the Black: Status, Management, and Trade Of the American Black Bear (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): A CITES priority: Patagonian Toothfish and Antarctic Toothfish at CITES CoP12 (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): A CITES Priority: Timber and the Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES, Santiago, Chille 2002. (PDF)
- (Jan 2002): A CITES Priority: Big-leaf Mahogany and the Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES, Santiago, Chile 2002 (PDF)
- (Dec 2001): Plantas Medicinales de Brasil: Aspectos Generales Sobre Legislación y Comercio (PDF)
- (Jun 2001): Queen Conch fisheries and their management in the Caribbean (PDF)
- (Apr 2001): Swimming Against the Tide: Recent Surveys of Exploitation, Trade and Management of Marine Turtles in the Northern Caribbean (PDF)
- (Jan 2001): Patagonian Toothfish: Are Conservation and Trade Measures Working? (PDF)
- (Dec 2000): Uso y Comercio Sostenible de Plantas Medicinales en Colombia (PDF)
- (Oct 2000): Mahogany Matters: The U.S. Market for Big-Leafed Mahogany And Its Implications For the Conservation of the Species (PDF)
- (Jul 2000): Evaluation of the Trade of Sea Cucumber Isostichopus fuscus (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) in the Galapagos Islands During 1999
- (Jun 1999): A review of State bear trade laws (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Conched Out: A Review of the Trade in CITES- listed species in the UK Overseas Territories in the Caribbean (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Ecuador: Uso y Comercio de Plantas Medicinales: situación actual y aspectos importantes para su conservación (PDF)
- (Jan 1999): Ecuador: uso y comercio de plantas medicinales situation actual y aspectos importantes para su conservacion (PDF)
- (Oct 1998): Management and Trade of Parrots in the Cooperative Republic of Guyana (PDF)
- (Sep 1998): The US Role in the International Live Reptile Trade: Amazon Tree Boas to Zululand Dwarf Chameleons (PDF)
- (May 1998): American Ginseng: The Root of North America’s Medicinal Herb Trade (PDF)
- (Mar 1998): Shark Fisheries and Trade in the Americas, Volume 1: North America (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): While Supplies Last: The Sale of Tiger and Other Endangered Species Medicines in North America (PDF)
- (Jan 1998): A World Apart? Attitudes Toward Traditional Chinese Medicine and Endangered Species in Hong Kong and the United States (PDF)
- (Aug 1997): An Overview of World Trade in Cervid Antler with an Emphasis on the United States and Canada (PDF)
- (Jun 1997): CITES Appendix III and the Trade in Big-Leafed Mahogany (PDF)
- (Mar 1997): The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Division of Law Enforcement: A Review of the Program Primarily Responsible for Enforcing CITES
- (Jan 1997): The Trade in Sharks and Shark Products in the Western Indian and Southeast Atlantic Oceans. Trade Review (PDF)
- (Dec 1996): An Overview of World Trade in Sharks and Other Cartilaginous Fishes (PDF)
- (Jun 1996): Parrot smuggling across the Texas-Mexico border (PDF)
- (Jan 1996): The World Trade in Sharks: A Compendium of TRAFFIC's Regional Studies
- (Jan 1995): Status, Management and Commercialization of the American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) (PDF)
- (Dec 1993): Status and management of Psittacines in northeastern Honduras
- (Jan 1993): Trånsito de Comércio Ilegal de Animais Silvestres no Brasil (PDF)
- (Jan 1993): CITES, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles (PDF)
- (Jul 1992): 1991 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States
- (Jan 1992): Perceptions, Conservation and Management of Wild Birds in Trade (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): 1990 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1991): Medicine from the Wild: An Overview of the U.S. Native Medicinal Plant Trade and its Conservation Implications (PDF)
- (Jan 1991): A North American Free Trade Agreement: The Impacts on Wildlife Trade. Vols. I & II
- (Aug 1989): Exportaciones de Psittaciformes de la República Argentina (AÑO 1987) (Export of Psittaciformes from the Republic of Argentina)
- (Nov 1988): Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones sobre la Administración de Recursos Silvestres en Argentina: La Década Reciente, (un análisis sobre la administración de la fauna terrestre)
- (Jan 1988): Las Re-exportaciones Argentinas de Productos de la Fauna Silvestre de Origen Paraguayo: Comercio Ilegal de Cueros de Caiman yacare
- (Aug 1987): Recent US Imports of Certain Products from the African Elephant
- (Apr 1987): The Harvest of and Trade in Latin American Spotted Cats and Otters (PDF)
- (Jan 1987): Application of the Washington Convention
- (Jun 1986): Evaluation of the Psittacine Importation Process in the United States (PDF)
- (Apr 1984): The International Primate Trade (PDF)
- (Mar 1983): 1980 US Imports of African Mammal Trophies and Skins
- (Jan 1983): Trends in Wildlife Trade from India to the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1980): The Shell Trade in Florida: Status, Trade and Legislation