: 2647 pages found
Archived (Legacy) Publications
- (Jul 1992): 1991 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States
- (Mar 1992): White Gold, The Ivory Trade: A briefing document
- (Feb 1992): The Horns of a Dilemma: The Market for Rhino Horn in Taiwan
- (Jan 1992): Fur Trade in Kathmandu: Implications for India (PDF)
- (Jan 1992): Sport Hunting as a Sustainable Use of Wildlife (PDF)
- (Jan 1992): Trade in Exceptional Circumstances: An Analysis of Commerce in Appendix I Animal Species (PDF)
- (Jan 1992): Perceptions, Conservation and Management of Wild Birds in Trade (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): Cultural Significance of Pacific Fruit Bats to the Chamorro People of Guam (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): 1990 Psittacine Captive Breeding Survey: A Survey of Private Aviculture in the United States (PDF)
- (Jul 1991): The Smuggling of Endangered Wildlife Across the Taiwan Strait
- (Jan 1991): The Asian Trade in Bears and Bear Parts (PDF)
- (Jan 1991): Medicine from the Wild: An Overview of the U.S. Native Medicinal Plant Trade and its Conservation Implications (PDF)
- (Jan 1991): A North American Free Trade Agreement: The Impacts on Wildlife Trade. Vols. I & II
- (Jun 1990): The cooperative working group on bird trade: findings and recommedations (PDF)
- (Jun 1990): Summary of Responses to the "Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Trade Questionnaire"
- (Apr 1990): Neotropical Psittacines in Trade
- (Jan 1990): Trade in Plants and Animals: Law and Practice
- (Jan 1990): Parrots in the Netherlands: Trade and Breeding
- (Aug 1989): Exportaciones de Psittaciformes de la República Argentina (AÑO 1987) (Export of Psittaciformes from the Republic of Argentina)
- (Jul 1989): Bulb Propagation and Trade Study
- (Jan 1989): Application de la Convention de Washington en Polynesie-Francais (PDF)
- (Nov 1988): Diagnóstico y Recomendaciones sobre la Administración de Recursos Silvestres en Argentina: La Década Reciente, (un análisis sobre la administración de la fauna terrestre)
- (Aug 1988): Non-Human Primates in the Netherlands (PDF)
- (Jan 1988): Trade in Bulbs
- (Jan 1988): Las Re-exportaciones Argentinas de Productos de la Fauna Silvestre de Origen Paraguayo: Comercio Ilegal de Cueros de Caiman yacare
- (Aug 1987): Recent US Imports of Certain Products from the African Elephant
- (Apr 1987): The Harvest of and Trade in Latin American Spotted Cats and Otters (PDF)
- (Jan 1987): Cyclamen in Trade
- (Jan 1987): The Wildlife Trade and CITES: An annotated bibliography for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- (Jan 1987): Application of the Washington Convention
- (Jan 1987): Imports of and Trade in Sea Turtles Products in France
- (Jan 1987): The Japanese sea turtle trade 1970-1986 (PDF)
- (Jan 1987): Collection, Trade and Protection of European Herpetofauna
- (Jun 1986): Psittacine Imports In The Netherlands 1982-1984 (PDF)
- (Jun 1986): Evaluation of the Psittacine Importation Process in the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1986): Cats in Captivity. Report no. 1
- (Jul 1985): The Japanese Psittacine Trade. 1981-1982
- (Apr 1984): The International Primate Trade (PDF)
- (Mar 1983): 1980 US Imports of African Mammal Trophies and Skins
- (Jan 1983): CITES Appendix I Species in Captivity 1977-1981- a survey of the maintenance and breeding of captive mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians from three data sources (PDF)
- (Jan 1983): Trends in Wildlife Trade from India to the United States (PDF)
- (Jan 1980): A Note on the Use of Wild Animal Organs in Tibetan Medicines (PDF)
- (Jan 1980): Final Report on Vietnam Wildlife Trade Monitoring Project
- (Jan 1980): The Shell Trade in Florida: Status, Trade and Legislation
- (Nov 1979): The Sea Turtle: An Animal of Divisible Parts, International Trade in Sea Turtle Products (PDF)
TRAFFIC Bulletins
- Volume 32, No. 2 (October 2020)
- Volume 32, No. 1 (April 2020)
- Volume 31, No. 2 (October 2019)
- Volume 31, No. 1 (May 2019)
- Volume 30, No.2 (October 2018)
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